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May 9, 2011
Central IL
I am new to reef frontiers! Wanted to intorduce myself and say hello.. My name is Amy. I recently started a 29 gallon biocube... Hi everyone!
Hi Amy,
Welcome to RF. Looking forward to seeing pics of your tank. There's a lot of helpful people and information here. Enjoy the use of this site.
Ok so far I have 14 lbs of live rock in main part of biocube 4 lbs in back chamber.... tank has been set up for about 1 1/2 months... I currently have 2 clownfish, a red knobby starfish, and a shrimp..... Other than that, not sure, tried a couple damsels and both died... I have no idea why, water params are fine... are they less hardy than clownfish?
Clownfish are actually damsel fish which are all pretty hardy fish. Could be a number of things that attributed to their death. May not even have anything to do with water chemistry. If the clowns and others are doing well now then may not be anything to really worry about. Some fish can get really stressed with the move from the LFS to your tank, then there are acclimation issues that you will have to factor in sometimes etc. You said your water parameters were fine...Do you have any exact numbers you can post up?? :)
salinity 1.026 ph 8.4-8.8 not sure exactly it was sort of in between the two, nitrates 0, amonia 0, nitrites 0....
API saltwater master etst kit
Results sound good to me!! When you meet the post count criteria, you'll have to post some photos. It is set to somewhere around 5-10 posts or so just as a precaution against spammers. :)
right now I have a bunch of diatoms.... hoping to take care of those soon, it seems to be clearing up some.... I am also hoping to get some coral soon.... does anyone have any recommendations to something for a newbie.... I really like frogspawn, and the zoas, and mushrooms, there are more that I like also but thats all I can think of at the moment!
right now I have a bunch of diatoms.... hoping to take care of those soon, it seems to be clearing up some.... I am also hoping to get some coral soon.... does anyone have any recommendations to something for a newbie.... I really like frogspawn, and the zoas, and mushrooms, there are more that I like also but thats all I can think of at the moment!

Take a peek at my diatom article on the home page. It's in the center column. Some of that info there may be really useful for you. :)
Welcome to RF!
and yes it will go away if everything else is leveling out as it should.
You'll have a clear tank again in no time ;)
Welcome Amy!

You will find lots of useful info here to help you progress toward having the perfect tank! Keep posting all the info you know about your livestock and equipment for us to help you the best we can. Some things take time, and you must realize that stocking your tank too soon can lead to loss. Take it from me since I went way too fast and made lots of mistakes. If you are really looking for a beginner coral, I would start with mushrooms or other softies of some sort (leathers, kenya trees, xenia). They might not be so desirable later down the road, but will give you the pleasure of having a "reef" atmosphere in the meantime until you really get a hang of things. Zoanthids and palythoas are also considered a beginner coral, but after several years in the hobby, I realized that nothing deserves that title. Zoas/palys did great for me the first 2 years, and after fully stocking a 180 gallon tank with hundreds of corals, they were the first things to go downhill. Frogspawn is very pretty, and I have several varieties, but might be something you should wait on.
Thanks so much...... I appreciate it.. I would love to see pictures of your biocube... I also want to start adding some mushrooms or something to my tank.... anyone located near central IL?