New JBJ Nano 28 Gallon LED!!!

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Everything survived

got a little over excited and put everything in my nano. it will be a week old on wednesday
what do you think about the lighting system was it worth the money you think or is the HQI 150 lighting system on the old jbj 28 better just need some input befor i go buying led lights.
well i haven't put any sps in but from all the research ive done the lights can reach over 400 PAR they have video ove it on youtube
Looks good but how did you get your amonia down from 2.0 in 2 days?? I would be willing to bet that your RBTA split due to stress and most folks will recommend waiting a minumum 6 months for a system to mature enough before adding anemones. Nitrite and nitrates test ok?
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everything that i have in my tank now is from my old 20 gal, i did water changes a used a bio filter kickstart and im about to do an all around test right now
nitrites are a little hi but i just bought a light to put some micro algae in the back
i also have a lair of brown stuff on the rock and sand does anyone know what it is and how i get rid of it
hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you are no where near ready to put any livestock in your tank. It hasn't completed it's cycle if you are still detecting nitrites. I would find a way to have someone hold on to your critters unitl your tanks is ready.
Slow down a bit and try to be patient. :)
well, I wouldn't say that is the case. For instance your RBTA split due to stress in your tank. It's probably a survival response where it's saying "uh oh! I better split so maybe one of me survives!!"
Can't really say what, if any, long term possibilites are, but the health of your animals should be the main concern. Anemones usually require established systems for long term survivability and don't usually tolerate poor water conditions.
so if i dont take them all out your saying that one of the RBTA will have a short live span and once one dies it will kill everything in my tank