New Loss!

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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2003
I decided to pick up a fire Shrimp this afternoon, so 37$ he was home settling in. I left for an hour & returning home he was in the mouth of one of my Engineer Gobies. That was a gourmet dinner, heck I can't remember the last time I had such a nice meal. I went to the LFS to pick up a trap; I have a sailfin that is getting a little big for my 100g tank. The fire shrimp just came in off the plane, so it was a looker for the tank. :confused: :oops:
Oh well lesson learned, maybe when I build the in wall tank I can try again.
That's a bummer :( I really like them.
I thought $19.99 was high for them. Personally I would ditch the goby and get a couple of the Fire Shrimp. Often they will clean your fish and can be trained to come running when they see you for a treat.

oh man that sucks Scott. and man 37 bucks is tough to. you got to start hanging around the prawn boats more, :)

Sorry for tfhe loss - man $37 bucks I can take my wife out for Sushi.

Kevin - so thay make good cleaners? hummm
Hey Scott! Sorry to hear of your loss! I have always seen these fire shrimp in the LFS and have always wanted to try one so when I get my new tank this may be a great opportunity to try one.:)
Man that was an awesome looking shrimp, I love the colors, from what I know about them I don't think they are cleaners. I do have a cleaner shrimp and they leave it alone. The LFS guy had a dozen Dwarf seahorses, all white and about a half inch in height, man I wish I had one of those Nano cubes. You know it was a bad feeling to look inside my tank and that gobies had his mouth full of red. I hope he shared. Maybe when I get the trap I'll catch the two gobies also.
Not all will clean. I will try to get a picture of them cleaning. I get 6-12 in at a time and keep them all together. Maybe 20% will clean. I mix them with cleaner and peppermint shrimp and they all get along OK.

Sorry to hear of your loss! One of our LFS sells them for $60.00! Ouch! I wanted one real bad as I think they are beautiful but, couldn't see spending 60. So, I waited till they went on sell and got one. Still paid more than you did though for yours! Ours loves to clean the fish that will let him. Also, when he smells food, he comes a running! Wouldn't trade him for anything!
Yea, i'm going to get another one day but maybe later if I can pick up a real big one. Thanks everyone, lesson learned, what is beautiful to one, is supper for another!
Bummer dude!!!

I had one for quite some time and he always liked to clean my arms or under my figernails, etc. He was a fun shrimp.

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