New Pics: Project 375

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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2006
Well, it has been awhile since I've updated you with some pics. Last week, I purchased two nice fish from ARSA. So instead of posting pics of the two fish, I thought I would include all the fish in my system. All of the pictured fish are from ARSA. Great quality fish. The flame angel has grown since I got him several months ago. He actually chases the blue throat triggerfish back to his hole. :)

I plan on adding 3 large angelfish (Blue-face, majestic and Emperor) in the coming weeks.


here is the link to the pics:
thanks...and they are....I try to feed them at least 2 and on the weekend 3 times a day..
quite a big aquarium looks great for all the new fish. You probably have more experience then me, but the spots of the emperor look like normal stress.
At least the spots don't look like ich to me so that's a good thing.

I like the pics and even the Flickr name; I'm a tech writer myself :)
thanks all,

I agree the spots on the emperor prolly are stress, but Im treating the QT with Maracyn just to be sure. I dont want this to lead to a secondary infection.
My emerator had the same thing for quite a while. Stress definatly. Just hand feed em... loads of meaty food.
what do you mean by scheme?? I am not following..Yes I have a 125 gallon sump with in sump H&S 250 skimmer.

As for as the emperor is concerned, he is dead. I came home from work and he was floating in the corner.. Very bummed and sad.

Lesson learned: Get a proper size QT tank

I most likely will be replacing the emperor. My wife loves emperors. :)
wow that stinks. That has happened to me also, first see the visual stress discoloration then lose them. It will be hard to guess what caused its stress because it was a new fish, but water quality changes, access to food, and bullying are usually top three.
It is a bummer. This fish had great coloration and was eating a day after it entered the QT tank.
How large was the emperor you got?

Are you tying to get them on the small side to let them grow up in the tank? Or trying for larger fish at this point?


this one was around 4-5 inches..i dont want one any bigger than that as most of the larger ones are hard to feed as they are use to a certain diet, ie, sponges.
Sorry to hear about the fish. I know you had planned the purchase for a long time and had put a lot of effort into setting up all those QT tanks so that each fish could have its own tank.

I really hope the next emperor does better, they are definitely beautiful fish. Once again I am sorry for your loss.
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well, just an update on the tank..starting 2009 on a good note:

• Bryopsis issue that I had seems to be under control thanks to Tech M treatments.
• Replaced the sediment filter on my RO/DI unit
• Making the use of running carbon for a couple of days common practice
• Performed a 100gallon water change (basically emptied the sump) and vaccumed the gunk/detris from the bottom of my sump and scraped the barnacles of the sides of the sump. sump is very clean now, looks brand new.
• Purchased Phosban to any Phosphate issues that may arise in the future. Current PO4 reading is 0 (using Elos PO4 kit).

• Purchase 2 CurrentUSA 2x39w T5 Fixtures for actinic lighting. One fixture will go over each port hole
• Purchase 2 T5 Pure Actinic HO bulbs from reefgeek.