New Salifert Test results

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hi don, based on the above quote, is it still safe to pick an alk 10 even though the ca is a bit high? (480ppm) If my memory serves me right, when Ca drops Alk rises. If that is true, wouldn't be safer to wait till ca drops to the desired level to balance alk?(about 435). my current alk is 8.96 dkh

Really I wouldnt worry about it. For me I choose to keep my alk at 11 and balance everything else around that number. Its a good system and seves me well. I'd just adjust it where you want it to be 8.9 is not much different that 10.

i attemped to raise alk by dripping Baking soda last night. when i finished testing tonight my readings went from 8.9(last night) to 8.4 (tonight) Also my ca shifted as well from 485 to 500 without adding any supplement. I'm hoping someone could chime ito help this noob i'm very frustrated. testing was done salifert test kits and with light on. thanks
Don, newest rest results...what do you think?

Alk 9.3 dKH
Ca 430 (maybe a lil high but I'm sure it'll come down)
Mg 1275
ph 8.0

I finally got a Mg test kit recently. Also mixed up Randy's option B, using just the Epsom salt. Dosed with that over a couple days to get my Mg up from 1130.

I'm also dripping Kalk at night. When I get too far out of balance, I stop dripping Kalk and get back into balance using Randy's supplements. Any suggestions?
Your tests are fine :D As far as balance goes, the kalk will keep you more in balance than the two parts, as it is 100 % balanced in the real world ;) . It is two-parts that bring you out of actual chemical balance, in time, due to all the chloride, sulfate and sodium addtion from the two-parts. To get those in balance requires about a 30 % water change / month. I know, you are talking about the other kind of balance, Calcium vs Alk. Your Ca is about perfect, as is the Alk.

Reef Aquarium Water Parameters
tangeray dont use baking soda thats a noob mistake im suprised no one eles said anything there are heaps of companys that make supplments for rasing levels so dont look in the cupborad for additives
Baking soda is about the # 1 additive for Alk in reef keeping . Why pay an arm and leg for a buffer that is often mostly baking soda and not even food grade ? Many so called "company buffers" are usless and often add unwanted or unneeded sup's. We need to be simple. One of the reasons behind all of Randy's articles.
Ummmm Morgan, unless your a seller of Alk supplements, I can't see why you would recommend someone to NOT use baking soda. It works great, it's safe, it's much cheaper than store bought additives...doesn't have all the extra CRAP in it that store additives do and it's got a very proven track record!!