New Setup Feedback 55g tank 10g Sump

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I currently have 2 of those that I am not using. 22" long. The bulb is about 18-20" 15w

They were the stock lights on the tank when I got it. I didnt think 15w would be enough.

What bulb should I get? A coralife 50/50. It currently just has some cheap o one'z (radionic)

Just need the algae to stay alive or grow and for some coraline to start up.
another good light setup for a refugium is a metal clamp-on fixture from Home Depot and any screw in bulbs with a color temp of 5100k to 6500k.
Runs usually about $10 to $12 total.
I Have a SeaCLone Protien Skimmer Forgot what model but it work great

I'm sorry, but they do NOT work great...
as others have mentioned, seaclone skimmers are some of the worst skimmers out there...
I would also ditch the cannister filter for sure... especially since you already have a media reactor.

my suggestion is to get a 20g (24x12x16) tank from petco/petsmart/used as a sump, or a 20 long (30x12x12), this way you will have more room for a real skimmer and possibly a refugium in conjunction with your media reactor for carbon/gfo.

as far as skimmers, look at the SWC 120 cone skimmer, an excellent skimmer that is very productive, with a small footprint, extremely quiet, and inexpensive.
here's a simple sump set-up on my 20g that would be appropriate for your 55g...
the sump is a 20 long, that houses my media reactor, SWC 120 cone skimmer, and eheim 1250 return pump.
simple, efficent, and quiet. I was going to add a refugium, but this small tank doesnt need it, but your 55g would benifit from one.
it can be as simple as a couple pieces of egg crate ziptied in to house the rubble rock and some caluerpa or chaetomorpha with a light on top..
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A Bigger Sump Wont Fit. The 10 gallon Tank That is in there is the biggest I can fit. When we buy our house I'm going with a 300 gallon but we live in a apt. right now so I cant put a monster in here.

Just added a F15T8D Light to the sump and a bag of Chaeto. Light Spectrum 5500k.

Still working on getting the Damsels out. Trying the 2 Liter Bottle method.
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well, even in a 10g, you could probably fit the SWC 120 skimmer, it's footprint is 6x7. just move things around to accomodate...

but im curious, a 10g is 20x12x12, and your stand is 48" long, you cant fit a longer sump??? like 24" or 30" as long as it's still 12x12??
well, even in a 10g, you could probably fit the SWC 120 skimmer, it's footprint is 6x7. just move things around to accomodate...

but im curious, a 10g is 20x12x12, and your stand is 48" long, you cant fit a longer sump??? like 24" or 30" as long as it's still 12x12??
If you look at the pic of the sump you will see the divider in the middle:(
ahhh...sorry, wasnt looking closely enough at the stand...

well, you could still do another 10g on the other side, pull out the sawzall and chop out that center brace enough to slide a sump through, or chop a hole large enough to connect to small sumps with plumbing.

you could easily reinforce the stand if you were worried about removing part/all of the center brace.
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ahhh...sorry, wasnt looking closely enough at the stand...

well, you could still do another 10g on the other side, pull out the sawzall and chop out that center brace enough to slide a sump through, or chop a hole large enough to connect to small sumps with plumbing.

you could easily reinforce the stand if you were worried about removing part/all of the center brace.
I think the stand is not built well enough to do that. On another note do you want to tell my fiance thats an option.... Wow good luck my friend!:D

I think Im going to take her 2 vivid aquariums for her birthday on the 20th. Thats a really crazy place. Its about 30 min from me.
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How long has this tank be going?

Seems pretty new, It looks great however I would slow down a bit and do some research before going any further.
I also do feel compelled to mention that a blue tang is absolutely innapropriate for a 55g tank... they swim up to 20 miles a day in the wild...
48x12 is just waay too small. :(:cry:

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I also do feel compelled to mention that a blue tang is absolutely innapropriate for a 55g tank... they swim up to 20 miles a day in the wild...
48x12 is just waay too small. :(:cry:

he really doesnt swim much. I thought the same thing but he stays on one side side the tank chillin. The only time I see he swimming crazy is during feeding time. He will bolt across the tank to steal food from another fish.
How long has this tank be going?

Seems pretty new, It looks great however I would slow down a bit and do some research before going any further.
As the posting says it is new. Coming up on 2 months.

I did and I am still doing research as you can see by my tank and what it has survived. I know I still have a lot to learn but in 2 months I have learned the basics and been in the advanced area for a while.
Nothing new is going in the tank. I have 1 more damsel to remove. So this will be my livestock for a while.

The Crew
10 - Dwarf Red Reef Hermit Crabs
04 - Turbo snails
01 - Blood Red Shrimp
01 - Sand Sifting Starfish
01 - Peppermint Shrimp
01 - Horseshoe Crab

The Coral
02 - 3" Heads of Pom Pom Xenia
01 - Duncan 6 Heads
01 - Hammer Head about 3 big heads
01 - Torch Coral 3 Heads
01 - Rock of Green Mushrooms 6 total
03 - polyps Joker Palys (Crazy Colors) Bought from Vivid Aquariums. <-- 30 min from my house

The Fish
01 - Royal Blue Tang
04 - Clowns FP's
01 - Domino (I cant catch him to remove him) BB Gun LAWL!!!

01 - Bubble tip Anemone
01 - Unknown Anemone (no 1 has identified it)

I plan on getting more Pom Pom Xenia to fill in the center of my tank. Hopefully in a year that will happen.
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^^^^ LOL, The Tank Police have arrived. I must agreed with the Blue Hippo Tang being a bad choice for a 55G. I had a Yellow Tang (like above) in a 100G and it was about to out grow it with 2 years after I purchased it as a juvenile.

Tangs are nice and all, but you have to research them. Hippo Tangs are very prone to disease and Ick. I have a Scopas Tang that does alot of rock picking to keep things clean. Thats about it...
^^^^ LOL, The Tank Police have arrived. I must agreed with the Blue Hippo Tang being a bad choice for a 55G. I had a Yellow Tang (like above) in a 100G and it was about to out grow it with 2 years after I purchased it as a juvenile.

Tangs are nice and all, but you have to research them. Hippo Tangs are very prone to disease and Ick. I have a Scopas Tang that does alot of rock picking to keep things clean. Thats about it...
im moving to a 300 gallon in about a year and a half. We are buying a house but currently live in an apartment.

I am also going to set up a long and large (thats what she said) frag tank in the garage
I moved to a 100 gallon tank and a 25 gallon sump (with only the loss of 2 small pieces of sps) . I still have a small skimmer and Yes im planning on upgrading. The Regal tang is fine in the 100g tank. It acts the same as it did in my 55g tank. LOL the police will come after me again if they saw the baby regal I have in my fiances 14g biocube. <-- by the way easily enough room and yes it will be moved to the 100g later if not picked on by the other regal or copper band. I have about 200-300 lbs of rock and starting to grow some coralline on my equipment.
Looks just like mine --- works good.

I pump my water back up with a Fluval where I clean the water before I return it to the tank --- keep my carbon and Phosban in there too. I have a skimmer, when I mention brands people find fault --- I just grow algae and Mangroves, and feed a few Hermits in the sump on reverse lighting --- use a CF 6500K --- rock is good to have in the sump, too --- heard somewhere you can never have enough.

Looks just like mine --- works good.

I pump my water back up with a Fluval where I clean the water before I return it to the tank --- keep my carbon and Phosban in there too. I have a skimmer, when I mention brands people find fault --- I just grow algae and Mangroves, and feed a few Hermits in the sump on reverse lighting --- use a CF 6500K --- rock is good to have in the sump, too --- heard somewhere you can never have enough.

I think he responded to the wrong thread
Loppnessmonsta --- I think he responded to the wrong thread ???

New Setup Feedback 55g tank 10g Sump -- is this your tank ?

The setup is the same as my tank.

any chance you have room for a bigger sump?

and don't add anything more for a couple months atleast, let things settle out for a while.

Agree. I have a 50 gallon sump for my 75 gallon DT. I have the return chamber filled up with liverock (1.5 lbs per gallon or so) as a bio filter.

Also, are you sure that is a torch? It looks like frogspawn to me, but I could be wrong. I have both in my tank, and the torch has really long tentacles that taper down getting really narrow at the end. The frogspawn has tentacles that stay the same width to the end, then end.