New sump pics

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Sperm Whale
Feb 2, 2007
Spokane, WA
So I got my new plumbing to stop leaking and finally got to turn everything on. Here's pics and the methods to my madness.

This is the setup pic that I took a few days ago

It all starts here with my new CS50 overflow

Down the 3/4" pvc it goes
Here's the first chamber of the sump with my thermometer and skimmer.

Next look at that bubblin action, the ASM Mini is Bad @ss!!!

And then on to the baffles where I have my heater and soon to be speghetti alage under the light of course.
Thru the baffles and into my Mag 5 return pump

Up and out

And in. I cut an angle in the pvc to let air into the pipe in case of a power outage to not overflow the sump.
Here's my timers all nicely screwed into the walls of my stand. That was a pain screwing in small short screws into solid oak when it's a very tight enclosed stand.

hey you might wanna remove that sponge in the over flow...... it will catch detrius and bring your water conditions down........

(i think its quiter as well)

another suggestion, i would get a 2nd aqua lifter on the self, just cause.
hey you might wanna remove that sponge in the over flow...... it will catch detrius and bring your water conditions down........

(i think its quiter as well)

another suggestion, i would get a 2nd aqua lifter on the self, just cause.

I agree with Jon on keeping a spare aqualifter. I've had a few burn up or stop working on me. As for the sponge, if you keep it, be sure to keep it either changed or cleaned atleast every 2-3 days max. As Jon mentioned, you don't want it to work against you by trapping waste, allowing it to rott and degrading water quality:)
Looking good! What size is your sump? Is there room for chaeto algae? What is the controller screwed to the right side of the cabinet? Nice setup.
It's only a cheap walmart 10 gal tank with acrylic baffles glued into it. The controller is for my moon lights it simulates the lunar cycle. What's better chaeto or speghetti algae?
oh didn't know that. Ha I learned something YAY!!! Oh and I moved the ballast and removed the sponge. It didn't effect the noise but it makes sense to not have it. Didn't think of that. It's amazing how well my skimmer is working now. sure beats the fission nano skimmer I had before. I'm glad I bought this one.
Having a good skimmer makes all the difference. I up graded to the octopus skimmer last year. I also put in a seaswirl for the output of the sump, helps with the random wave action in the tank. It was a bit spending though $$$$:)