New tank calcium addition questions, 2-Part ionic?

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Jun 6, 2006
Southern California
My new 180g is up and running, 180lbs LR and the purple coraline on the LR is, well kind of gray and has not gotten brighter or spread. It maybe washed out by the 3x250 HQI, but probably because I haven't added any chemicals.

Salt is IO w/ Kent RODI 4-Stage Hi-S
Salinity 1.025 (Refractomer)
PH 8.2 (Salifert)
Amon 0 (Salifert)
Nitrites 0 (Salifert)
Temp 79F

Tomorrow I'm picking up test kits for Calcium and Alk.
Are the Salifert kits good for Calcium and Alk?

I'm also thinking about picking up Purple-Up to get the Coraline growing. Would this be ok for the begnining? (no corals or fish yet).

On the 2-part calcium, which do most of the experienced people use?

Warner Marine CALXMAX

Would I need to add Kalkasser also?

Would I use the 2-part than adjust the calcium w/ Kalkwasser?
Would the Calcium test tell me?

Sorry, I'm new to the chemistry thing. Last tank was FO 20 years ago. Alot has improved.

I'll just toss in my 2 cents worth before Boomer chimes in, but for me personally, I now use the B-Ionic 2 part to supplement calcium and alk in my tank. The main thing though, is you have to get your numbers/parameters on target (cal, alk, and mag) and then use the 2 part to maintain them. I've used the Purple-up as well before (an entire bottle I finished) and I grew crazy coraline, but then again, it's not going to promote coraline growth, if your numbers again aren't right. Also, I've read as well as experienced first hand that coraline tends to like the bluer spectrum as well as lower lighting levels. I got the stuff to spread like mad when I only ran 130w pc's over my 75gal (didn't use the full 260w) and then when I switched to dual 250w MH's, I lost a lot of the coraline I had. Not sure if the coraline needed to adjust to the new lighting (which I've read it will eventually do) but that's what happened to me. In any event, you want to maintain proper calcium, alk, and mag levels and you'll be on your way! Oh yeah, don't forget clean water with great flow;) Just a thought. Not necessarily correct, but just a personal experience of mine. All tanks are different, but I just wanted to share my own experience. Best of luck:)
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Krish is spot on. As well as chemistry, lighting is definately a factor. The brighter the light and type of output, the slower the growth. Color of the coralline will aslo vary depending on the depth. At higher elevations it will be light pink darkening as you get closer to the bottom of the tank. In darker area's you may also find green, red, black and grey.

Flow is important not just fore the obvious but it will actually spread the colalline spores about the tank. Growth in a newer set up is usually a little slower going for that reason alone in many cases. "Seeding/sporing" the tank can help speed up the rpocess but as the saying goes, be careful what you wish for... :eek:

Thanks Krish & Steve.

I have 3 x 250w HQI on 72". I will be adding actinic T5, so that should get it growing.

I also purchased B-Ionic and Purple Up and will monitor the Cal/Alk/ph daily. I will purchase the Mag test kit.

BTW... what do you guys use for boosting Magnesium?

BTW... what do you guys use for boosting Magnesium?
If the corrections are small and/or infrequent, Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) will do just fine. For larger corrections, magnesium chloride is better. A stand alone MgCl is pretty pricey so I would highly recommend water changes instead, saltmix/tank size depending.

From what I've read (and experienced in my initial foray back into the hobby), once you get a good Calcium/alkalinity balance, additions like B-Ionic should help keep things at proper concentrations. I use Instant Ocean (IO) salt and find that it's a bit low on calcium (350ppm) and so my Alk is a tiny bit high too at 12dkh. I've ordered some Kent turbo Calcium (I think it is called)..a CaCl additive to get my calcium levels up to where I want them, then I'll resume the 2 part ESV B-ionic additions to keep the balance (like folks have said above). At least, that's the plan! I've been using the Salifert Ca and Alk tests and am very pleased so far. Seems most folks are happy with them.