New tank question

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Apr 28, 2013
I have had my 55g tank up for two weeks it has 55 pounds of lr and it is not cycling any help would be great
Have you been testing your water parameters daily for a ammonia spike? Post any/all of your parameter readings since you have started the tank.
ph 8.2
nitrite 0
nitrate 0
ammonia 0
sg 1.025
these have stayed the same every time. I take reading every other day the lfs told me to put in 2 damsels so 1week ago i added them
Your parameters look good. I would say that you're probably in the clear as far as cycling. I am not sure whether you wanted damsels or if your LFS told you to use them. Typically you will see some diatoms on your sand or rock during the middle of a cycle. Most people start with a clean Up Crew or snails and/or hermit crabs. So far it seems like your doing well. Just make sure to top off any evaporated water with RO/DI water daily and change out about 10% of your water weekly with new saltwater.
Was your rock actually live rock? What test kits are you using? What about your sand? Did you use some sort of live bacteria to seed your tank?
Sorry for all the questions but although not totally impossible it is unlikely that you didn't have some sort of cycle. There should have been some ammonia if from nothing else then from partial die off from the LR.

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Yea there should have been a amonia spike and then usually you get diatoms or a brown thin film algae. Some tanks take along time to cycle. And Nana is right, there should be at least some die off of the live rock. And if you didn't want damsels I would get them out and take them back to the LFS. Damsels can cause alot of hate and havoac in your tank as they get territorial and start messing with less agressive fish. You can cycle a tank without fish.
The sand was Carib sea aragonite reef sand the live rock I got from the lfs and the test kit is API saltwater test kit I am getting the diatoms so maybe test kit is bad. The lfs said they would take the damsels back after the cycle for in store credit
I know you didn't know any better and got some bad advice from you LFS, so please don't take this as a attack. Just trying to inform :)

The old way of cycling your tank with a fish is outdated a cruel. It puts a hardy fish in a tank with toxic levels of deadly chemicals. While the fish can and usualy does survive the process they under go what I can only imagine is fishy hell.

There are better ways to cycle your system. The way I do it is to by a raw shrimp from your grocery store and put it in your sand. The shrimp will then rot and release the ammonia to start the chemical cycle. Another way is to "pretend" you have a little fish and add a few flakes or pellets of food for it. Then as the food rots it will do the same thing.

I have also heard of people getting liquid ammonia and using it to start the cycle but have not personaly tried this one.

I hope you enjoy this hobby, I have meet some amazing people and learned so much. When you get a chance post up some pictures of your system :)
Thanks derbird I should of not listened to them but they said since it was over a week with good water reading that the lr was probably cured when i bought it and safe but I see your point and should of not done that.
I need to do more research before I do anything else. I am doing 5g a week water changes on the 55g tank is that good?
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Here's a great rule of thumb in this hobby. Before you buy...come here and ask first!! We've nothing $$$$ to gain from helping you. Sadly most LFS NEED to make those sales regardless and somewhat understandable.
We truly want to see you succeed!

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Now that I did some reading and found out why I have diatoms and no nitrite because the diatoms use it what do I do to get rid of it if anything?
You'll probly have a few stages, brown diatoms then brown algae ,and then green algae. O and don't forget the infamous Hair algae......just kidding, kinda. Clean you glas and do weekly water changes.
as hard as it is just take your time.. slow steady ahead captain...

what kind of filtration are you running?

just keep testing your water and watch your fish and make sure they are not in bad shape.

you sound like your trying to do the right thing so keep it up.

I was told to not do water changes during my cycle time. maybe let your water stay in the tank for 2 weeks then do a water change. This may give things a better chance to spike and bloom.

good luck keep reading and post pics.. no questions are dumb and most people here are really helpful.