This coming weekend we want to sea-scape our live rock, and wondered how you connected all your rocks together. How did you do it?
Merry Christmas
Randy & Deanne
Randy & Deanne,
Lots of trial and error... lol
First thing, we laid out the rock at Aquatic Dreams. Once we had a plan, I took pictures and brought the rock home.
I put the rock in, rearranged it 4 times and it looks nothing like we laid out in the store..
But to answer you question... I looked for smaller rock that would make good supports, and then placed the larger rocks on top...
My Design was to get as many or as much arch as possible ... according to Kevin the fish feel safe if they can go under the rock, doesnt need to be a cave, so arches work nice... I happened to get two long and flat rocks, and due to tank design, I placed them one on either side (where the lights for coral will go) and then filled in the gaps with supports and keystones...
As I placed them, I would test them for stability, to make sure the would not be affected by the currents or at some future time, larger fish.
I hope this answers your question.
Good luck, I look forward to seeing some pics... make sure you let me know.