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Well i now i feel much better since everytime i used to take care of my uncle's dog, i'd feed him a chicken leg or whatever was left from my steak :p.

Now i know what happened to Mr. Bunny :lol: :D .... just joking;.
Well Matt i think that if sophie and your cat seem to have better digestion now, then just keep it up.
I think purina and all those brans are just full of it, but i seriously don't knwo anything about it.
If these come in womans sizes? I'm going to get to one for my wife...........
spongebob lover said:
LMBO!!! for a moment i thought you meant you wanted the purina food to be bigger for your wife :lol: .
sorry gabs, shes into cat food........
I just ran across this today... it's off topic as well (but I think that's in the spirit of this forum)...any way I think this sums up the debate :p
mattseattle said:
Scott - that is awesome to hear that Vets are being trained more now in dietary needs. I called the Washington State Vet board and asked them what the curriculum was like at the Vet school here and they told me students only took 3 hours of dietary type classes. That definitely seems under par to me. Nutrition is the under lying cause of many many many health issues. I view it as vital in a vets training!

Ha, you want to know the irony, Hill's is one of the biggest reasons why nutrition is becoming more of a focus in the veterinary curriculum. Like it or not, they are one of the primary contributors to research in the field of small animal nutrition. They get us early and representatives are in are school for lunch meetings approx. once every other month. Plus, they give us food at an insane price. Brilliant marketing, that as you can see, has greatly influenced the veterinary community (for better or worse). I think they have done some great things, especially with their perscription diets, but I also can certainly appreciate (and DEFINITELY understand) your experience. They always have the bottom line in mind, and the same goes for their research...

Take er easy
Scott T.
yeah, I knew about Hill's and when my Vet offered it the last time I had to decline. :) I'm sure their diets have a place and probably have helped many animals to have a good life. It just didn't help my cat.

I wished more research was placed in natural foods for animals although most people just want an easy to use kibble that they can toss out. Most people definitely don't want to spend the time to make their dog a meal as most people don't even take the time out to make their family a meal.

I think I've spent more time researching animal nutrition than I have ever on nutrition for myself. I mean that has changed recently but in the past it seems my dogs and cats and even fish have come first. :)