MY update is I am trying to get all the overtime at work I can to fund this adventure as I want to be prepared financially to deal with any probs that may arise, IE if i need to buy a chiller etc. still in the planning phase...don't want to drill any holes I regret, but have got the pump, skimmer and return figured and mostly hooked up. I'm thinking on going with 100bls of dry pukani for now from BRS and see what kind of chunks they send and then perhaps look for more sexy pieces if thats what I need. changed my mind about the 100 gal fuge, going with a 40fuge and additonal 50 for a conjoined sump (with 2 inch pipe beside the 19 current sump)giving me a total water volume around 200gal.
whats all your thought on the pukani?
and YES I would love any invites to see your set-ups!!! anyone within 30 miles? I work day shift 06-230 and am off wednesday and thursdays.