Newest addition to my tank

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Beautiful fish Kirk. Very nice addition to an already impressive collection of fishies.

Bricky, when you get your 3,000 gallon lagoon, you could have multiple or triples of everything. OOhh...a shoal of flame angels...

So how do all the angels get along? I would love to add a goldflake angel but my asfur is such a bully!
Hey Kirk, that’s a beautiful fish dude! What a score.

Was that you that was asking about the image codes a while ago for flicker to show the pic on the post?

However flickr requires that clicking the photo takes you back to their site. However they have made it real easy to do the BBcode, simply click "share this" then "grab html/bbcode" click the radio button for bb code and then copy the code


All my angels (blueface, majestic, regal, emperor, pair of flames) get along and no issues...for me, I make sure I feed them at least 3X a day and provide algae sheets once a week.

thanks for the tip about BB codes..I will try and use it next time I post a pic or two.


Yes, that was me asking about IMG codes.

Yes, it took about 2-3 days to adjust to the tank and by the 3rd day was eating.

Again, Tim did an awesome job picking such a great specimen. I am very pleased with the quality of this (and all my) angel fishes.


Yes, it is my largest fish. And as Emperors go, it is fairly calm (for now) :)

Flatteringchild, if you would like one, I have plenty left. :)