nitrates and well water

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2006
I am in Kansas and have well water,just got the test results back on the house water. It 7.47, chloride 64.90 mg/L, fouoride 0.300, total hardness 532.7, nitrate 1.29 mg/L, calcium 118.00, magnesium 57.80, sodium 123.00, sulfate 256.00, iron less than 0.005, manganese 0.159, electrical conductivity 1370 umhos/cm, total dissolved solids 955 mg/L, coliforms none. acceptable PH 6.5 to 8.5, chloride 0 to 250, fluroide 0 to 2, nitrate 0 and 10, sulfates above 250, iron above .3, manganese above .05, total dissolved solids above 500, above 1000 are taste producing.
I'm getting a RO Tuesday. Having very high nitrates, took out the bioballs in my sump, no change in nitrate, taken out 3 differnt times large water change, no change after day or so. have 135 gallon tank. Trying to get the nitrates lower.
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Your water TDS sounds as good as mine! How long has it been since you removed the bioballs? What are your current nitrates in the tank? What are your current inhabitants?
well water in kansas

Been around a week since the bioballs been out. Would have been since Jan. 21st. The nitrates are bright red. Depends on which test I use, one is liquid the other a dip stick kind of test. Bright red though for nitrate.
It might be worth knowing exactly what your level is, so as the nitrates fall, you can keep track of them more accurately. Salifert makes a great test kit that is easy to use. Keep us updated on the progress after switching to RO/DI water. It will make a difference in your system, along with the other changes you have made.