Nitrates / Phosphates and large livestock

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Sep 13, 2008
Bellingham, WA
Hey Everyone,

I have a 75 gallon tank that I converted from fish only to a reef tank about 8 months ago. I have a large lionfish (15"), 8" nasotang, clown fish, and a 14" snowflake eel. I've changed out the sand, added garf grunge, purchased about 60lbs of live rock and 30 lbs of aragrocrete (tank is pretty crowded). Lots of flow. It has a 10 gallon sump that i've removed the bioballs from and added a nice sump skimmer to, have a filter running. Have now started using phosgen? and some Kent nitrate remover.

I do regular water changes 10-15 gallons, have some coral frags and some lps & softies, that are living but not really growing and the coralline certainly hasn't taken off.

I've tried to reduce nitrates (50 or so) but they just won't go down, and the phosphate check (1 ?) is on the high end as well.

So my question is, where do I go from here? A large refugium? and if so would it have it's own overflow or how do I plumb that?

I'm sort of lost here, so any help would be appreciated...
Hey Everyone,

I have a 75 gallon tank that I converted from fish only to a reef tank about 8 months ago. I have a large lionfish (15"), 8" nasotang, clown fish, and a 14" snowflake eel. I've changed out the sand, added garf grunge, purchased about 60lbs of live rock and 30 lbs of aragrocrete (tank is pretty crowded). Lots of flow. It has a 10 gallon sump that i've removed the bioballs from and added a nice sump skimmer to, have a filter running. Have now started using phosgen? and some Kent nitrate remover.

I do regular water changes 10-15 gallons, have some coral frags and some lps & softies, that are living but not really growing and the coralline certainly hasn't taken off.

I've tried to reduce nitrates (50 or so) but they just won't go down, and the phosphate check (1 ?) is on the high end as well.

So my question is, where do I go from here? A large refugium? and if so would it have it's own overflow or how do I plumb that?

I'm sort of lost here, so any help would be appreciated...

IMO, I would first start with your fish. You've got some big fish for a 75 gal. Big fish mean big messy eaters/poopers. Lots of waste to contend with. The lion and SFE aren't the best choices for "reef safe" fish and the Naso, I'm assuming it's a lituratus needs a tank twice that size. They will grow to 18". If you're serious about going reef I would consider getting rid of thoes fish and going with more smaller ones. Usually you can find a LFS that will give you credit.
I know that's not the answer you were looking for but just wanted to give you my experience. I did the same thing years ago with the same fish in a 180. I had a lion and a lituratus for 4 years and a SFE for almost 7. They were tough to let go but it made my life so much easier. Plus the reef took on a completely different look with the addition of several smaller fish bouncing around.
I'm going to have to agree. You've got a fish bio-load more suited for a 180 or larger tank. IMO, you'll never get your nitrates down with that much of a bioload. I hate to say it this way, but it's just not going to happen. The only tanks suitable for a 75 would be a Yellow or Scopas Tang. Nasos are more suited for 300 gallon tanks than 75s. Also, your Lionfish is HUGE. Again, more suited for a much larger tank.

Even as a fish only tank, it's seriously overloaded.
You say good skimmer but what does that mean, how do you base that determination? Reason why I ask because as already mentioned your fish poop needs to be removed almost as fast as they poop it, so filtration is important. I do agree your way undersized for your fish & that tank, not saying it can't be done but chances for long term success would be much easier with a larger tank! JMO take it for a grain! :D
Thanks.. My original goal was to turn my fish only tank into something that was more friendly to my septic system and easier for me to maintain.. I love the idea of a reef, and once my garage is cleaned out, a 180 sounds great.

What if.. (ok i'm new here..) I added a second 55 (or 75) gallon tank with softies & lps and partitioned a section off for algae etc, and redistributed the live rock from the fish tank to allow better flow? Can I cascade the tanks? Is this a stupid idea?

Ok.. really noobie here and what about that turf algae bucket thing people talk about..?

Thanks a bunch
Part of the problem isn't just water quantity, it's swimming room. Naso Tangs are VERY active and should have at least a 6' long tank for swimming room.

While Lion's aren't very active, it's still just not enough space for a fish that large.

Adding a second tank to the system is possible, though probably won't help much, because you're still only going to have only 130 gallons. Still not near enough for your bio-load. Even redistributing the live rock could cause some problems. Your Lionfish likes to hide in caves and in darker places. It needs that type of rock work.

A lot of people have had great success adding Turf Algae scrubbers to their systems, along with good skimming.

Again, I hate to say this, but you need to get either a MUCH larger tank OR re-home the fish you've chosen.
Part of the problem isn't just water quantity, it's swimming room. Naso Tangs are VERY active and should have at least a 6' long tank for swimming room.

While Lion's aren't very active, it's still just not enough space for a fish that large.

Adding a second tank to the system is possible, though probably won't help much, because you're still only going to have only 130 gallons. Still not near enough for your bio-load. Even redistributing the live rock could cause some problems. Your Lionfish likes to hide in caves and in darker places. It needs that type of rock work.

Can't agree more here...The point we are really trying to get across, is that no matter what you do filter wise, it will not help the fact that these fish are in a 75gal. If you are planning on getting a larger tank there are lots of people on here with large tanks (including myself) that would be willing to keep your fish for a while until that happens. My Naso is only about 5" in a 8' tank and still uses every inch...I couldn't imagine 8" in a 75.

Good luck, and remember that we are just trying to help for the best. No question is a stupid one :)

Fish abuser..

Ok.. so I feel bad, these fish grew up in this tank from a 3" lionfish and a 2" naso.. i converted to reef (after 7 years of fish) because I wanted to drop the bleach and have them be happier and the tank to look better. The clownfish immediately adopted the rbta I added... that made me happy, and things are growing, and well everyone seems pretty happy. I am on the hunt for a larger tank now. For this year about all the room I have is a space that is 4' wide, if I increase width I replace lights too... and it's upstairs.

So, It sounds like a 125 gallon, is the most common. Well i'm on the hunt. maybe i'll keep the 75 as a refugium...