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liveforphysics said:
Hey wrighteme43, Gig harbor and seattle water straight out of the tap (at least when i tested) contained zero chlorimenes, undectable nitrates (on a salifert low range test), undectable phosphates. Something like 32 TDS straight out of the tap.

I think RoDi for gig harbor is a little silly personally. Its definately not related to the problem.

Ok I dont live there so I cant say how your water is. So where does your water come from? I mean here its karst landscape, so we have surface and short term underground flows. I live in a area that is heavily farmed and the water from the tap contains signifigant phosphate, and nitrate from fertilizer runoff. Here if someone runs a reef tank on tap water it is brown and dead.
What are those 32 ppm in your water?
Im assuming ours comes right out of the harbor..I know there arent very many farms in this town..and my closest water outlet--lake--is literally right around the corner..most places here are waterfront..

don't think theres too much contaminate run-off :)

but anyone else know more? we just moved up here to WA lol
Well one way that has worked for me is to find people who keep tanks that I want mine to look like, then learn from them. I hope I didnt cause you a problem with my analogy as to how nitrate laden tap water can cause a problem. It is a simple way to show that any substance in tap water or the salt mix will increase in concentration in your closed system, as you do water changes. Have you tested a fresh batch of salt mix for nitrates?
Since your tank is so young you may just still be going thru your cycle.
Just so you know Im not trying to blow smoke up your butt, here are some photos of my tank.
nice tank!! yeah our tank is still a baby :( Im just glad I got somewhat cheap fishes to start :) And not the 40+ buck one the person tried to sell me lol
liveforphysics said:
This is just my personal experience, im sure others will dissagree.

Some people will tell you to try to make places for anerobic bacteria to live in the sand or rock. They are aiming for some N2 liberation through bacterial means. I personally dont think this is a good thing at all. If we were only adding nitrogenious compounds into the tank, then I might be a fan of this method, as it would compleate a cycle.

The reality is though, we definately arent just adding nitrogen compounds into the tank when we feed. If you use cheatomorphoria algae for your ONLY means of nutrient export, you have a way of storeing not only nitrogen compounds, then you have an ability to rapidly remove all of the compounds you are adding to the tank when you feed.

If you just wana kill off the nitrate, run a couple of 30ft legnths of 3/16" coils of black plastic tubeing siphoning from the upper tank to the sump. Place the tank side of the tubeing down low in the tank to try to prevent bubbles from entering it as best as possible.

After you have the tubes siphoning to the sump, hit the sand bed with a gravel vac or wipe down the insides of the filters (not required by starts the process much sooner) or other nh3/4 to no2 bacteria holding places.

This will cause bacteria to rapidly find its nitch inside the coils of tubeing. This filter can not break down nitrates unless the upper portion of the tube has areobic bacteria in it to use the O2 in the water as it produces nitrate. The nitrate is produced in the upper portion of the tube, while leaving the lower portion of the tube anerobic for converting the nitrate it created into nitrogen gas.

Just a couple of coils of tubeing at about $3 apeice (must be opaque tubeing so algae wont grow), Will rapidly drop nitrate level down from anything to about 5-10ppm. However, its no better than useing rock or a sand bed, so I would highly recomend going the cheato route.

Can we see some pics of your set up, sounds interesting!
Charlie- Like I said above, I use cheato because I dont think anerobic nitrate reduction is a good idea. If you wana see de-nitrator coil info, just google it. I didnt think it up, I just used it on cichilid tank and it always kept the nitrates down low on a very agressive messy tank.

Wrightme43 and Krish- I made a new thread specifically about why I recomended not skimming and included some pics of my cheato only setups.
The reality is though, we definately arent just adding nitrogen compounds into the tank when we feed. If you use cheatomorphoria algae for your ONLY means of nutrient export, you have a way of storeing not only nitrogen compounds, then you have an ability to rapidly remove all of the compounds you are adding to the tank when you feed.
Well your right and your kinda wrong to my friend. Yes we do put alot more then just nitrogen based products in our tanks. Thinking that chelato is going to absorb or store or remove all other products we add is not even close to being true. Yes chelato will absorb some N and some P but even then it will only do those products if they are soluable, and even in that case they are competeing with bacteria (which is a formidable foe). Most of the waste produced by the tank is in particulate matter, consisting of both P and N in various stages, these products will not be touched by the algae, and at this stage are already under barrage of attack by bacteria trying to reduce it.
So truely with the use of chelato you are doing a small amount of polishing (not a bad thing) getting out dissolved N and P, but truely not getting all or even close to all added products ut.

payge i have the same problem with nitrates(showing lower levels than your tank)started doing weekly water changes buying premixed water from l.f.s no changes so i dicided to test premixed water before i put into my tank nitrates where coming from bad water at l.f.s. im now buying from diffrent location and tested water before i purchased.recently set up a refugium with chaeto. algae to help with soon to post results refu. was set up 4days ago but have noticed less algae.purchasing phosban reactor to help with unwanted algae etc.clean water makes big diffrence good luck
forgot to mention i am using skimmer and berlin method(20to25 poundsof live rock in the sump)for filtration :)