No more nems in the reef tank!

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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2010
Portland, OR
If I had to do it all over again, I would have never put a RBTA in my reef tank! It was small at first and I kept it because the clowns loved it but it kept moving around! and was stinging my favorite corals!:mad:

Bye bye RBTA! The clowns were sad at first but I put a torch in it's place in hopes that they would and all is well again!:DThose who are thinking it would be cool to have an RBTA with your clown may want to consider having something that doesn't move around like frogspawn or a torch!


See happy little ocellaris enjoying their torch coral:D



Aren't they soo cute.

I had a RBTA in my tank too and it kept moving around. I moved it to another tank and it set foot and hasn't moved yet. But these guys host an elephant mushroom and a toadstool
I have 2 bta's and they stay put. I guess it's just the luck of the draw.

How long have you had them? Mine stayed put for like like 6 months and then suddenly had the urge to roam. We tried using powerheads to get it to move away from the SPS which worked but then once we took the powerheads out it would move right back to my favorite corals.
he looks better in my tank anyway....he still roams but I think he might have found a spot he likes. Seems to love the morning sun from the window then rettacts when halides kick on.
he looks better in my tank anyway....he still roams but I think he might have found a spot he likes. Seems to love the morning sun from the window then rettacts when halides kick on.

I don't know about looking better in your tank!:) Remember she is a Cowboy's fan!;)

Glad she found a good home though!:D
I've had an H.magnifica anemone in my reef for going on 5 years.
The only times its begun to move on me were when the conditions changed on it and it wasnt happy.

H.magnifica anemone's need high light and high flow. When one or the other of those two requirements changed, the anemone moved. When the issue was rectified, the anemone stopped wandering.

IMO, too many people attempt to keep anemone's in their reef without realizing that they are some of the most difficult things to keep. They dont study up on the needs of the animal they want to keep, and get frustrated when the animal doesnt do what they want it to do.

Keeping an anemone in a reef is a risk. I have lost fish to my anemone in the wandered into it and was eaten, the others were killed when it wandered into a pump intake and tentacles got shredded, releasing nematocysts, killing every fish in the tank except the clowns...

But, if you create a situation that is ideal for the anemone, you will seriously minimize the wandering and subsequent danger for the anemone and the rest of your tank.

Another thing to keep in mind when using anemone surrogates for your clownfish...larger and more aggressive clowns can caused injury to smaller dont choose a tiny Elegence or Hammer coral as a substitute home for your 6 inch maroon clown...


Thanks for the links and information.:D You have any pictures of your H. Magnifica? Funny that you mention anemone surrogates and clownfish. The maroon clown we added to the aggressive tank is hosting the bubble coral and the bubble coral is not to happy about it!:lol:

Anemones are wonderful creatures and watching them interact with a clowfish is truly one of my favorite things.

However for me, the constant stress of my other corals getting stung just was not worth it to me.

I have a tube anemone in the aggressive tank that has lots of room and have never had any problems with it.
i would much rather have a tank full of nems. i have tried having nems and corals together many times, its always the same old story, clowns host start spawning, become horribly agressive nems get huge start stinging corals nems go bye bye. but for some reason i always go back to the nems, i have 4 in my tank now and will take as many as i can get
I moved my RBTA to a different tank becuase it was constantly moving so I knew it wasnt happy, Although it was moving around a lot in my reef tank, it didnt sting anything. It would walk right over a zoa colony and not hurt it at all. I was more worried about it taking off in the water column and getting caught in a power head. So it was moved to a diferent tank. It found a place it liked in the other tank and hasnt moved since I put it in there. I love nems and would like to find a GBTA.
i would much rather have a tank full of nems. i have tried having nems and corals together many times, its always the same old story, clowns host start spawning, become horribly agressive nems get huge start stinging corals nems go bye bye. but for some reason i always go back to the nems, i have 4 in my tank now and will take as many as i can get

I would just have a tank with softies and zoas if I got another anemone. It sure is fun to feed them and watch them with the clowns.

I'm also thinking about dedicating a tank to the mini carpet anemones.
I would just have a tank with softies and zoas if I got another anemone. It sure is fun to feed them and watch them with the clowns.

I'm also thinking about dedicating a tank to the mini carpet anemones.

Mini carpet nems are beautiful. Are they difficult to keep?
Thanks for the links and information.:D You have any pictures of your H. Magnifica? Funny that you mention anemone surrogates and clownfish. The maroon clown we added to the aggressive tank is hosting the bubble coral and the bubble coral is not to happy about it!:lol:

Anemones are wonderful creatures and watching them interact with a clowfish is truly one of my favorite things.

However for me, the constant stress of my other corals getting stung just was not worth it to me.

I have a tube anemone in the aggressive tank that has lots of room and have never had any problems with it.

Here is an old picture from earlier last year. Its about 12 inches in diameter now and is still home to the Rod's Onyx Percula's.

I need to take a more recent picture.


Here is an old picture from earlier last year. Its about 12 inches in diameter now and is still home to the Rod's Onyx Percula's.

I need to take a more recent picture.



Ohhhhh so beautiful and amazing! Great picture! Thanks for sharing! Beautiful anemone!
Thank you.

I'll try to take a new pic here soon.
