noob clam question??

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Nov 18, 2006
Seattle/Sammamish, WA
soo, i want to get a baby (1-2" clam) maxima *hehe they 25$*
and i do plan on phyto feeding every like 4 days and i have a wonderful rig set up to do that...i'll post pics later. the clam will be in a 10g tank with 130watts of pc. it will be about 4-7" from the light.
so i have tons of sps and one lps (frogspawn) i also have 2 clowns and a skunk cleaner shrimp. will this settup work??thanks
Unfortunately, I really cannot recommend your setup for a clam. I tried the exact same setup for a maxima and it didn't make it. The problem is water stability, you cannot keep the salinity, calcium, magnesium, and alkalinity stable enough in a 10 gallon tank. The smallest tank I could recommend for clams is maybe a 55 with metal halide lighting (or t-5's in some cases). I have the same love for clams but I have decided to wait until I have a more ideal setup. Just do lots and lots of research on clams before making a decision.

Many here have any success with clams under a PC?
Besides needing stable calcium, I assumed they needed halide level of lighting.

Alot of folks do pc's but a 10g aquarium is way to hard to keep stable. Nutrient levels fluctuate and chemistry fluctuates to easily. You can do it but it take alot of discipline or automation.

I don't recommend clams under nothing that is not MH. I have seen people try to keep Clams under PC's and they do very poor and die really fast. T5's? Hmmm, that's a bit risky IMO but better than PC's.
i agree with ceasar i would keep a clam under anything my mh when ur told by a marine biologist that he wont sell u a clam unless u have mh lighting u pretty much have to buy the lighting

livestock comes first, then customers
i agree with ceasar i would keep a clam under anything my mh when ur told by a marine biologist that he wont sell u a clam unless u have mh lighting u pretty much have to buy the lighting

livestock comes first, then customers

Most of us use halides because our tanks are 24" deep or more. Hes talking about a ten gallon aquarium that a whoping 12" tall. Pc's would keep a clam happy for years. The clams would not die due to the light.
Cwazy, yes a 20 is going to be a little easier than a ten but if you get the tall version you may need to upgrade your lights.

one other thing to keep in mind here is that the brighter the colors in the clam the more light they need the maxima is one that needs the most light now squamosa clams which are more dull in color can be kept under pcs or t5s but they grow so big so fast. most importantly the ten gallon is almost impossible to keep any clams or especially sps (acro's and so one) because of water chemistry fluctuations...

hehe Matts. i have like 11 frags of Sps all doing fine in my 2 month old 10g. some of them have even grown a centemeter or too. i have:
ora tort. oregon tort, blue tenuis, purple tip acro, monti, a. celeris (sp) green slimer, and maybe somehing else. the purple tip has grown 2+ cm since i got it from Ben, monto has grown about 1cm outwards, green slimer has split its tip so i have 2-1cm tips on it. (orginally single ended) ORA tort has already spread over the super glue and onto the rock. oregon, blue tenuis, celeris(sp) has not done anything since i just got them =)

hehe how bout that for proving you wrONG
Happy Days