Noobie Questions

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Feb 20, 2011
Sorry this seems scatter-brained, I copied this from my email that I sent from my phone. The last few nights I've had questions rattle through my brain and given I have plenty time to plan and get this right I figured now is a better time then ever to ask :D

To get a braceless tank, do they come that way or do I have to take the top off myself?

How big of a skimmer for 180 gallon. Suggested brands/models? Bigger the better right?

How big does my sump need to be? I plan to do a refugium/sump combo as well as going a step higher with my skimmer.

When aquascaping I think I’m going to do 90% dry rock and 10% live rock, is that a good mix? Also, I’m thinking of using the Dr. Tim One And Only Live Nitrifying Bacteria, has anyone here used it with any luck?

Is anyone fragging ktar melting pot in the nw?
Sorry this seems scatter-brained, I copied this from my email that I sent from my phone. The last few nights I've had questions rattle through my brain and given I have plenty time to plan and get this right I figured now is a better time then ever to ask :D

To get a braceless tank, do they come that way or do I have to take the top off myself?

How big of a skimmer for 180 gallon. Suggested brands/models? Bigger the better right?

How big does my sump need to be? I plan to do a refugium/sump combo as well as going a step higher with my skimmer.

When aquascaping I think I’m going to do 90% dry rock and 10% live rock, is that a good mix? Also, I’m thinking of using the Dr. Tim One And Only Live Nitrifying Bacteria, has anyone here used it with any luck?

Is anyone fragging ktar melting pot in the nw?

Braceless tanks come braceless. Never remove the braces from any tank and fill it with water. It will explode!

Skimmer, check out SWC cones, and Reef octopus. Maybe Skimmy can help you on that one. If you research them they will tell you how big, depending on planned bio load.

Sump; can be as big as you want. It's main purposes are to add volume to your water, airation, and to hide alll your equipment you don't want to see, heater, reators, ATO, etc. A read a good number for your fuge is about 20%, I know that is not practicle for most.

Live rock; thats fine. just watch your perameters as it cycles. I don't know anything about adding bac. I would use the 10% LR and let nature take it's course. Or you can use all Dry rock ans seed it with some sand from a friend or a tank you trust.

This is a good place to start, everyone here will point you straight. And remember the slower the better and do your research first. We have all learned the hard way and will probably continue, but that is how we learn I guess.
Okay so braceless is out of the question for me. I'm planning on having a taller than normal stand standing at 36, that being said I think I want a canopy for all the excess light. I'll might do a smaller braceless down the line.

Does anyone have a water-jet around Kent to help make baffles in glass for a sump? :D

Thanks for the infooooo!

Here's a link to a video from MrSaltWatertanks show on info on that bacteria
your in kent you should just stop in and see my 180 more like a 255. I run a reef octopus 160 with a mesh mod + fuge. so many options to choos each tank is so different in many ways.
Okay so braceless is out of the question for me. I'm planning on having a taller than normal stand standing at 36, that being said I think I want a canopy for all the excess light. I'll might do a smaller braceless down the line.

Does anyone have a water-jet around Kent to help make baffles in glass for a sump? :D

Thanks for the infooooo!

Here's a link to a video from MrSaltWatertanks show on info on that bacteria

That is very interesting! All I can Say is try it, but I would use the ammonia over fish, why torture the fish if it don't work? If you use the ammonia and it don't work then what harm is done?
I think I will try it. I do have some ammonia left over from cycling my 55 origionaly. Does it go bad? Why or why does that video keep stressing "No Damsels!"?? Are they cheap??

Crazy I will take you up on that offer. I'll bring some beer and I'll let you take me to school, haha!
I think I will try it. I do have some ammonia left over from cycling my 55 origionaly. Does it go bad? Why or why does that video keep stressing "No Damsels!"?? Are they cheap??

Crazy I will take you up on that offer. I'll bring some beer and I'll let you take me to school, haha!

Not sure other than alot of people use damsels for cycling a tank. It is cruel to do to any fish, the ammonia fries their gills. But if that stuff works, then I guess that won't happen. And yes, Damsels are very cheap, about 3 bucks
Not sure other than alot of people use damsels for cycling a tank. It is cruel to do to any fish, the ammonia fries their gills. But if that stuff works, then I guess that won't happen. And yes, Damsels are very cheap, about 3 bucks

To add to that, people usually use damsels to cycle a tank because they are very hardy and can usually survive the cycling process being exposed to ammonia and nitrite although they both are toxic. Not sure what it does to them in the long run (I'm sure they do suffer some damage), but people have successfully cycled tanks with damsels whereas if they used other fish, the ammonia or nitrite would probably kill them. Still though, eventhough they are very hardy and do survive, it is still very hard on them and can take its toll. I guess fopr the price and their "hardiness" alot people look at damsels as being disposeable fish which is pretty sad.
There is no need to make a fish suffer. Go to the store and buy some shrimp, put it in the tank and let nature take its course.
Damsels who do survive are not your best community fish and in a large tank yhey will be very hard to catch afterwards.
I can't wait to set up my first salt tank. I think I might be a little over zealous and recently I've been coming back down to the ground. I think I'm going to scale my project back to a 75-125 gallon. So if anyone of you in the King County area know of anyone getting out of the hobby over the next year I might be willing to buy their whole set up!

I'm hoping that when I want to buy my lights that LED's have gone cheaper. I'd much rather not run a chiller :D
Good luck with the first tank. Don't get too overwhelmed by reading all the details on the these reef forums. I was almost scared out of starting my first tank (1 1/2 years ago), and its has been a very rewarding hobby and not nearly as much work as I thought. I run LEDs on my new tank and love them (so do my corals) + no heat and low electric bill. I'm going to be selling my previous tank soon (just need to put up an ad). It's a 34g all in one from Current USA, so too small for what you are looking for.

I can't wait to set up my first salt tank. I think I might be a little over zealous and recently I've been coming back down to the ground. I think I'm going to scale my project back to a 75-125 gallon. So if anyone of you in the King County area know of anyone getting out of the hobby over the next year I might be willing to buy their whole set up!

I'm hoping that when I want to buy my lights that LED's have gone cheaper. I'd much rather not run a chiller :D
I'm hoping that when I want to buy my lights that LED's have gone cheaper. I'd much rather not run a chiller

No need for a chiller. Just run fans. I was looking for a chiller for a while until Michael and a few others suggested running fans across the top of my tank and sump to cool it down. It does a great job! Even when its 90 outside my tank is at a nice 78 degrees...Just a suggestion. LEDs are really nice but they arent cheap. And if you are just getting into the hobby and want to start on a budget they may or may not be the way to go depending on your budget. :) So dont be afraid of metal halides or even T-5's people do great with them too. It all depends on what type of reef you are looking to create. What are you trying to go for anyway? SPS, LPS, Softies?? Also when it comes to cycling your tank, a lot of times the live rock that you get may kick start the cycle with out you having to add anything. There are things on the rock, especially if you get it in the mail, that die off and start your cycle as soon as you put them in your tank. So like others have stated its a lot better to just use that or a piece of shrimp to start your cycle then getting a cheap fish that may be infested with ich in your tank. Then you have a whole 'nother world of problems. Just my .02...HTH
Yeah I've dealt with parasites before, real deal not fun. I know I want a clam or two, I also want an anemone for a (hopefully) sabae or fire clownfish. But I also want to be able to do some SPS come 6-8 months after everything is settled so I don't want to be limited by my equipment. I don't want just T5's coming from FW tanks I really desire the shimmer LED/MH produce. I think if I do LED I'm going to try to get a modular version so I can upgrade my LED's while keeping my "ballast".

Enumclaw is a little deep for me at the moment(I don't trust my car worth a damn) but if there's anyone in the Kent/Renton/FedWay area that wants a stranger to come over with some chebba and gawk at your fishtank and talk reef/equipment/experiences lemme know! :D
I would hold off on the anemone for at least a year while your tank stabilizes. They can be very sensitive when it comes to chemistry levels in the water. They are awesome I would just be careful not to add it too soon. I know what you mean by the shimmer of MH/LED's, that is a definite bonus to having those! If SPS and clams are what you are looking for I think the LED's will be fine. I know a few people who run T5's and do fine with them. So either way you go MH/LED, you should be safe!
But wouldn't you want the anemone to settle into it's home before adding SPS? I read that somewhere, sounds like it could have been someone who didn't know what they were talking about.
Anenomes are a huge bio load, equals about three fish, instead of one. Plus, it is best if you let your system get "seasoned" before addind an anenome, as ntswift has been saying. Most worth having need a well established system.
I picked up a RO/DI machine and a huge UV Sterilizer today at the auction. My collection has begun. :)!!

I did not know they were such a heavy load. Thanks :D:D
If you plan to have a reef tank, the uv sterilizer is probably not a good idea. Fish only, great. A uv will kill all the little critters in the water column, the ones you want as wellas the ones you don't.
Your are correct in wanting to add the anemone before SPS for the fact that anemones often move until they are happy and may sting all of your other corals while doing so. However, sometimes they like to move just because. So either way, before SPS or after its always going to be a possibility.