Noobtosalt's 120 gallon Reef

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Well-known member
Oct 17, 2010
Vancouver, Wa
Alright well since my local forum is down I thought I should start up my own build thread on here as well..LOL

I currently have about 150-170 lbs of live rock (not even close to aquascaped btw) and plan on adding about another 40-50 or so lbs in the next week once I break down my old 75 gallon tank.

Anyways here's some pictures of the new setup. I just started to add a few corals tonight in the tank. This tank was setup for quite sometime previously and I brought over all of the water that was in it so it didn't have a big cycle if any.

It's a 6ft tank and I'm loving it already! Running two VHO's and two 250 halides. Any suggestions on what I should do differently please feel free to let me know.

Full tank shot

Right Side

Left Side

Sump. I will be moving over my skimmer in the next few days.

Fuge with return pump on the left side of the picture.
I would suggest running some pc's for night time. And your mh's what kelvins are they. What type of coral your going for? How long are you running your mh and your VHO's?
My halides are now artemis 20k 250w bulbs and they run for seven hours. The vho run for twelve hours.

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So far so good!! I see you even have coralline growing in your sump! :p. Looking forward to seeing complete with the added stuff from the 75gal. :)
Tank looks a little different already.

Here's some pictures taken with the new camera. Still getting the hang of it. Not near the great quality I was looking for yet but it's all user error.



The quality is definately much better. The first shots compared to these look more blue/purple. :)

Yeah it's a big difference between those pictures and the new ones. I just picked up a DSLR so I'm learning a lot about it. Still can't take a very good picture yet though...LOL

I also just bought out the last of one of the LFS down here that was shutting down their saltwater section. So I have about 20 new frags in this tank and about four in each of the kids tanks. All of them were zoas.
Well I had a few fish not make it recently so I decided what better thing to do than to get some more.. Ok well not really but the fish that I got were probably going to continue to cause me issues so I decided to go another route. I grabbed 4 Banggai cardinalfish and 2 bi-color anthias. I missed my anthias when they died from the marine velvet kick in the last tank and Cos hooked it up today at Ocean in a Box so I couldn't say no. I've never had the cardinal fish but they just looked cool and I wanted a schooling fish in the tank.

