~North Sound Reefers~ Coral-data Bank

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Dec 14, 2009
Everett, WA
Hey North Sound Reefers, just wanted to clarify and more accurately label my idea/reasoning behind having a club Coral data Bank. There was some confusion to my wording as this is not an actual Coral Bank in which all species are collected and kept at a single location. What I had expressed to those at the last NSR Get Together was IMHO a few important reasons behind collecting this data (*for club use only).

#1 A back up support system for members who have lost coral colonies to crashes etc...
#2 To have an accurate way of spreading out some of our favorite corals (to support #1)
#3 To have dated/documented data for certain corals that may become listed as endangered become illegal to import and even possess. kind of a Grandfather Clause
#4 To further educate our club in properly identifying Coral species.

I have started a spreadsheet that will have coral be broken into separate Family with Genus followed by common name(s) , below that individualspecies then variant/morph (with pic?). The last column box will have the NSR members online names posted ( color coded ie: black = have, blue = willing to trade/sell when available, green = available now for sale/trade. *This information would only be shared with NSR members in the form of a Club News Letter or ??? Once I get the groundwork set would love some assistance in collecting and maintaning data. Lorrie (IPisces) had a beautiful list of corals with pics which I intend to utilize, but with potential file size will need to have separate files for Family ie: SPS, LPS, Softies and Zoa/Paly. Which inturn should/could make it easier to share maintenance responsabilities with other members.

Cheers, Todd
Starting to get some PM's on interest to this already... So Thank You.

I know there is a GREAT deal of knowledge/information to identifying and husbandry techniques to the corals we care for to be shared with by us Old-Salts as well as some Newbs already in the club. Really looking forward to seeing this idea come to fruition.

Cheers, Todd
Dear Todd,

Would you please email the Excel template. No need to duplicate efforts.

I have such wonders as Australian Favia (sp. sailfin tang food) and Xenia (sp. blue tang food )...

Awesome idea Todd. Glad to see that you're going forward with this idea. I too wouldn't mind the template file so that I may get you an up to date list of corals in my care.

I too have some more uncommon varieties of corals and inverts. LMK if you do not have my email and I can get it to you via pm.

Thanks Alex, its starting to steam-roll much faster than my hunt-n-peck method of typing can keep up with :typing:. Floyd has come up with what I'm sure is a better/faster/smarter/easier/more user friendly format to collect all this data and did I mention will now be Spearheading this with my assistance :director: :whistle:

Cheers, Todd
Wait a minute. How come my emoticon is whistling it should be working. There is no fun allowed all morale has been secured until the database is complete.
Floyd, maybe I should have switched the first and last one around huh? I think you are going to be shocked at just how many different corals are actually being kept by club members already! The speed and way I type would take me weeks to complete

Cheers, Todd
Are we keeping Macros in the database too? Have a bunch of those now in my tanks.
THat is a good point. Always looking for a macro diversity. I will add it.

Awesome to hear. I agree that we should have as much macro diversity as we can. :D I currently have about 7-9 different varieties.
I have 8 different varieties of macro algae.
I'll have to get you pics. I dont know what three of them are.
I might actually have 1 more in my sump if it hasnt been eaten up already.
To keep your file size down and to greatly increase your work load you can start up a NSR photobucket or similar account account password protect it.

Sent using my Droid X using TapaTalk on Whidbey Island
Hey Floyd, what ^Ryan^ said... just do it

Give me a call so we can get this going again, have some newer members as well to add.

Cheers, Todd