I am curious to learn of reported facebook private pages for northsouthreefers and pacificnorthwestreefkeeping (or something like that). Can anybody point me there?
Regards, Paul
Regards, Paul
Depending on the privacy setting of the group or page. U should be able to search in the search bar for wWashington reef groups. Like I'm a member on western Washington reefers. U can request to join and admin will or should approve.
It's just a more direct form of social media. Easier.for ppl to post pics and sell, buy, or trade.
Imo it come s with drama, spotlights, and wrong info...
My .02
You will find NO DRAMA on the North Sound Reefers page. We keep it small, fun, moderated, and most members are old friends. The majority of the postings are either from Old-timers or at least input from them. Most names you would recognize.