not sure if this is normal HELP

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Mar 25, 2006
Saint Cloud, Fl
I just started my first saltwater tank. It is 45 gal. I put in 60lbs live sand and saltwater in about 3weeks ago. Last week I added about 75 lbs live Fiji rock. About a week has gone by and the ammonia levels have just gone down. I am still getting a high nitrite and nitrate reading. I added a bacteria I bought at a local pet store which was suppose to speed the process. (don't remember the name, I know it was refrigerated at the store). Added it and the ammonia dropped in two days. I am noticing now that the rock is looking brown in spots and not as spectacular as when I put it in. I have been putting "Purple up" for the past week since putting in the rock. Is it normal for the rock to turn brown. Did I do something wrong. Will it come back. Another question. Does purple up really work and how long does it take. Thanks for any help.
The best thing to remember at this point is that everything takes a long time. Just a guess but the brown could be a diatom bloom (brown algae) which will run its course and go away. At 3 weeks your rock should be well on its way to being cured but it is not there yet. IMO I don't like to use additives like that to cycle the tank (others may have a different opinion). My preferred way is the shrimp method (throw a small amount of uncooked shrimp in the tank and let it decompose). Just watch the Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate closely.
Yes I think Purple up works but you won't see much for a while.
I would give all of this a couple months before you get all the results you want.
I may move slower than some but it won't hurt anything.

This should get you started.:)

Welcome to RF! I agree with Tim. Probably diatoms. Are you using ro/di water and also, what do you have for flow in there? In addition, how often do you do your water changes and about how much do you do? Also (sorry so many questions:p) but what do you have for filtration? These few questions will help us better understand what may be going on etc. In any event, cycling a tank can vary depending on a number of things. I'd say honestly, my tank wasn't completely cycled IMO until last month which was 9 months in. Just take it slow and you will be happy you did:)
I would slow down a little for now. Let the tank/rock cycle for a couple of weeks. Changes you're experiencing are normal. I wouldn't add anything to the tank at the time including bacteria, there's plenty of die off coming from your rock to take care of that.

As for the Purple Up, never used it. But I'm no fan of those All in One products out there. after the tank is done cycling take care of having your calcium, alkalinity and magnesium in balance and your coralline will follow. HTH