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hmmm... maybe it was just going through the process of updating mine to a different account that fixed it? i know comcast was marking it spam, and then they stopped, so i was pretty certain they just blacklisted it...
Sorry Martin, I'm fixing to do some updates this weekend, maybe these will help I think it is a considerable update.

I don't know.
I just know it's been a very long time since I've received any notifications from RF.
Makes it hard to be a member here.
Marty - PM's to you aren't working at the moment.. probably the email thing.
When you change the RF email, you aren't logged in anymore. check the gmail/email you set up for an email from RF for instructions on fixing that..
Marty - PM's to you aren't working at the moment.. probably the email thing.
When you change the RF email, you aren't logged in anymore. check the gmail/email you set up for an email from RF for instructions on fixing that..

Yeah it took me a few minutes to figure that one out.
I thought I was blocked out of RF for messing with my settings.

But now I can't seem to do pm's.
Settings top right, general settings middle left.. see if the email reset reset the PM's...
Tried that.
This is the message I get when I try to sent a pm

The following errors occurred with your submission
You have reached your stored private message quota and cannot send any further messages until space has been created.

I have 31 pm's that I don't want to delete.
I just verified its working for me, but I can't send TO you..
Not sure what to try Marty... you have any in your sent items you might be able to delete to see if that helps anything?
I just verified its working for me, but I can't send TO you..
Not sure what to try Marty... you have any in your sent items you might be able to delete to see if that helps anything?

I have 19 pm's in my inbox and 12 pm's in my sent box.
I wish to save them.
well under to stored quota
I just went in and cleared all of my sent messages and I got a message that said I have 19 messages of a allowed 20.
WTF is with that?????
I'm wondering if its seeing you as new member again.
Want me to PM scooterman for you?
Crap, I'm sorry. I don't remember having a problem when I did it, but I don't know how quickly I tried to PM...
Maybe one of the mods can help?
I don't know if its 20, but I do know its limited.. doesn't last long I don't think.. PMs cost server space..

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