November BOD topics to discuss

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2003
Mukilteo, WA
We have several open months to plan out so I wanted to put this out on the table now for everyone to think about, comment on, and be prepared to discuss (and hopefully decide) at the November meeting.

Here's the calendar as it stands today (Items in green are confirmed):

December - Social dinner again??
January – Mark on Nano Tanks
February – Bob Fenner

March -
April – Speaker
May -
June - BBQ/Raffle/Elections

Membership feedback for meeting ideas
  • Fragging demo
  • CA reactor setup
  • Swap meet
  • Skimmer workshop
  • Photography
  • Macro algae
Other topics of discussion
  • Colleen Letter for speaker expenses
  • (Alice's Comments) LFS to help sponsor Bob's trip. SW City has already been involved with sponsoring events...what say we start with Indoor Reef and then move on to Shark Reef to see if they would be interested in helping out with the cost?
Local stores to hit up for sponsorship/mtg cost sharing
  • Denny's Pet World in Kirkland
  • Pet Pouri in Everett
  • Salt Water City
  • Blue Sierra
  • Kevin from Aquitic Dreams might help out
  • Crow's Ridge (Chris might be interested in a co-sponsorhsip)
  • Indoor Reef
  • Ocean Reef Aquatics
  • Reefantasea (Jonathan is always willing to help where he can)
  • Shark Reef (If we had an event on that side of the water I'm sure he'd help)
  • Under the Sea might help....but they are a very small operation
  • Midway Pets (although I doubt it)
Supporting information

  • Terry B
  • John Warner
  • professor at UW Vancouver who specializes in coral reefs
  • Dana Riddle - [email protected]
    Coral farming, lighting, coral coloration
  • Julian Sprung - algae control
  • Bob Fenner - wet web media, Lighting
  • Scott Michael - fish
  • Walt Smith - coral import and farming
  • Albert Thiel - leather corals
  • Craig Bingman - Salinity & Temp, Chemisty type topics, Synthetic Saltwater
  • Rob Toonen - Salinity & Temp, Sponges, Coral Feeding, Christmas tree worms & other creatures like that, Deep Sand Beds (he did this for us before)
  • Martin Moe - fish breeding, water motion, Multi Environment Aquarium Sys.
  • Charles Delbeek
  • John Tullock - water quality, pH and alkalinity in saltwater aquariums
  • Greg Scheimer - writes for advanced aquarist, fish & water quality topics
  • Joyce Wilkerson - clownfish expert
  • Ron Shimek
  • Steven Pro
  • Frank Marini
  • someone from ORA to talk about propagation and Reproduction of fish
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I'm talking with Tom (BigT) to try to convince him to do a small informational workshop on calcium reactor construction.

I think March would be a great time to have a frsagging meeting. Maybe bring in a speaker to talk about different techniques like we have in the past. Buy a couple boxes of corals and have a blast.

For April maybe we could have a DIY/informational meeting? Someone to talk about acrylic work, calcium reactor & skimmer setup and tuning. Might need some more filler for this, but I think people might like the concept. A little hands on with a real skimmer/calcium reactor (maybe Reefantasea will loan one to us or provide it for raffle).

Maybe in may we could talk someone like Dylan (Llarian) or James (Illusion) into talking about photography. This seems to be a topic that is rarely talked about, but most people want to know about. Some info on camera settings, techniques, and post shot edits. Some information on the tools (software) available, etc.

I'd also love to have a speaker (Martin Moe maybe) talk about flow in the aquarium and try to get some "donation/samples" from tunze, oceans motions, etc. Might be too ambitious, but I like the idea of these items in front of people at the meeting. Maybe a LFS will provide them for the meeting as sponsorship. Don't know...just thinking out loud.

Here's my short list of speakers I'd like to get:

Booked Terry B – Fish Acclimation (October Mtg)
Booked Bob Fenner (Feb Mtg)
Dana Riddle - coral coloration
Walt Smith - coral import
Booked Scott Michael – fish (Sep Mtg)
Martin Moe - water motion
John Tullock - water quality
Joyce Wilkerson - clown fish
The other topic I'd love to have someone talk on is ZeoVit. I'm not sure if we can find someone to come in and do it, but it would be an interesting talk and I think there would be a large interest. Especially if we could convince them to donate a starter package to raffle.
i would LOVE a zeovite meeting!! i really think it would be a great thing to learn more about from a pro, as you said reed, if we can get one of them here. if we wait long enough, we can get mike to do it! you know he'll probably have it running on his tank soon, it's the only thing he doesnt have:lol:
zeovit speaker

On Zeovit, I think we have 3 good choices for speakers that have posted here in on RF:

  • G. Alexander (not sure he'd be interested)
  • Bob Goode (very knowledgable on the topic with practical experience)
  • Scott from Evolution Aquatics (practical experience and a dealer so maybe a donation)
I PMed with Dylan (Llarian) and he said he'd be happy to do a meeting on aquarium photography, but can't do it until next year. I think this would be perfect for the May timeframe....maybe coupled with something else depending on how much time he will cover.

Also, John Lehigh has a DVD of his tank (multiple still shots over time to see progression) that he has offered to us to use as a filler during the gathering part of the meeting. I don't know that we could use this until maybe January as we don't have a projector at a meeting until then...I think