PSAS 2012-2013 New club year, new BOD. WE NEED YOUR INPUT!

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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All great ideas! Your experience & knowledge is what everyone here on RF &PSAS needs. We miss you "old timers" :)

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Thank you Reed for everything! The current BOD at PSAS isn't there because we're the most experienced, but because we were the ones to volunteer to try to facilitate the events and keep things going. We value all input, but ideas like you're offering are invaluable. It's too easy for us to plan events with blinders on and not plan "outside the box". So, thank you, and all your ideas are on my list now for the Spring.

Once I can nail down the date with Sanjay and Boomer, we can start planning the rest of the spring's meetings. Mojo is working his magic with those two guys, but we're waiting for them to get back to us with a date that will work.

The Bob Moore frag swap is coming together. We have many sponsors confirmed for booths, and we have two different speakers planned to change things up a little bit. Some people don't like sitting through organized lectures, some might find it interesting.

-The guys from Coldwater Marine Aquatics down in Oregon will be coming up to speak about their business of collection and distribution here in the North-West. (There's a thread here on RF that I've been following for a while. I thought it would be interesting to hear more about what these guys are doing, and the new sections of the hobby that is emerging)

-Reef Pest Solutions will be talking about his approach to pest control in the reef aquarium.
OK...old member here (and former BOD member). I'd love to see something on aggressive tanks. would love to see something on different types of tanks (seahorses, scorpion fish, lions, groupers, etc.) and their care. Would love to hear from some of the collectors on their practices and how we (as the end consumer) can find the best specimens and care for them. I'd love to hear about best ways to recover from bad things (calc overdose, green hair algae outbreaks, tank overheat, power out, etc.).

There are so many topics other than how to frag, how to setup a new tank and ca/alk/mag balance. Lighting has been talked to death IMO (though LED and fiber are still pretty new and exciting to some). Skimmers are cool, but the principals haven't changed in decades so not much excitement there to those of us that have been around.

All this said, there needs to be a balance too. New folks need to hear about the basics and some of us old guys are happy to talk about it (especially if we are allowed to have a beer while doing it). Those of us that have heard alot of the basics see the meetings as a social club to catch up with friends and to share our knowledge. If it's just a lecture we tend to stay home or go have a beer with said friends.

I'd even go so far as to have one of the local shop owners (if willing) share how the business works. I think this would help folks understand why prices are the way they are, why it's important to support the local shops and how you can increase your odds of having whatever live item you buy survive. It can also highlight why developing a relationship with the shops can really help you in the end. It's not all about the price.

I'll try to get more input to this as I love that you have an interest in bringing both the north end folks in as well as getting the "old" guys back to the meetings.



Again, thank you for the great ideas. I'm waiting to hear back about the speakers we have coming in in the Spring. Once I get that month nailed down, I can set some other things up. In January, we're meeting with Rob at Red C up north. We're doing the typical "fragging" workshop, but he's also going to talk about what he likes to see from people bringing in their frags. A great addition would be the last suggestion you posted.

I'll ask him to talk about how the local businesses function from his perspective, and why it's important to support the locals. Also, the other related issues you posted up.

We also are talking with a local club that supports both fresh and saltwater hobbies. Maybe we can line something up that would benefit both communities and bring the clubs together for another meeting.

Maybe we can coordinate the picnic to be in a park where we can have a few beers, or at someone's house up North?