Salty, where did you send the email to? Could be that Greg or Joanne have been pretty busy and missed it or just haven't responded yet. As for joining, just show up at a meeting. You're also welcome to come to any meeting without needing to be a member first. There is a membership fee, though I can't remember what it is off the top of my head. Email to [email protected] and use the topic "mailing list" or something similar and you'll be added to the mailing list. Greg's also been pretty overwhelmed, doing a lot of this by himself lately, so the emails aren't always in a timely manner. However, I believe Joanne's now on board, in a leadership role, which will help Greg out a lot!! Oh and as Joanne mentioned, make sure you check your spam folder to make sure the emails aren't collecting in there. If so, add the club's email addy to whatever filter your email program uses, to mark it acceptable.