Number of fish in aquarium?

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My LFS said that watts per gallon don'T mean anything because of the new technologie.

LFS = Local Fluke Shop!(LOL) Don't believe everything a LFS tells you because half the time they are only out to make an extra buck. If it were that easy, no-one would use anything other than T-5's and would have full blown reefs.
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Your LFS is wrong!!! lol. 1st of...the lighting and watts per gallon definately does the depth of your tank! Also, a Goby does NOT eat sand. They may SIFT sand to find food...but then spit it out. A Goby is usually a good addition, as long as you don't have anything in there that it doesn't get along with. As for what you said about the Puffer living in reefs in the wild, yes they do, but in the wild reefs are continuously growing and replenishing themselves, much more than they do in our aquariums.
My LFS said that watts per gallon don'T mean anything because of the new technologie.

Hi my name is Steve. You probley dont know me.
I own Serene Aquatics in Bowling Green Ky.
If you LFS told you to keep acros and such under that amount and type of lighting they are not helping you.
I would reccomend that you take some time to read some of the thousands of threads discussing lighting requirements on this forum.
Oddly enough pretty much everything you could ever want to know can be found with the search feature on this site.
This place has some of the smartest, and best reef keepers in the world. People who are very successful because they do the things that make you successful.
If you would like to keep sps corals your life will be much easier if you can take some time to read about the requirements. What a LFS says is in the intrest of making money. They have to make money or they go out of business. I know I have to make money or I go out of business. What I have been doing is pruning away customers that do not listen to me, or will not follow instructions. Now I have got people that listen, pay on time, and are successful and happy. So I am happy.
I do my best to give good advice since I will have a long term relationship with my customers. 90% of the people that get into saltwater seem to get out quick only after spending all kinds of money buying what is reccomened by the LFS and not doing thier own research.
Find someone who has a very nice tank. Do exactly what they do untill you are ready to do exactly what you want to do.
Read Read Read. Its the only real answer.
Lighting is very very complex. Any pat answer is a crap answer.

this is not to knock you, this is to try and help you be successful.

I used to answer alot of posts but I found that most of the time people just want a answer they want to hear, and with out any effort at finding if it is right or not.
Nicely put Steve:)

"marinegeek101"...I think you need to find a new LFS to shop at because these guys are just insulting you with their advice...First they tell your puffer is reef safe

Previously posted by marinegeek101
That sucks cause i wanted a reef aquarium and my LFS said it was reef same when i asked her before purchasing

Next, they tell you goby's eat sand

Previously posted by marinegeek101
One of the workers at our LFS said that the gobie will just eat all our sand until theres no food left and the eventually die

Then, they tell you can keep SPS's (with only 2 watts per gal) because they use T-5's and watts don't matter because of the new technology...

Previously posted by marinegeek101
Well my LFS said i could keep sps cause they use t-5.

Previously posted by marinegeek101
My LFS said that watts per gallon don'T mean anything because of the new technologie.

I don't know who these guys are (hopefully not a sponsor here) but they need to be shut down!
that's funny!!!!! i hear one of the owners of my lfs here tell people off the wall stuff like that!!!!! i just have to laugh!!!!...i will say that watts per gallon are not necessarily something to go could have 500w's of pc's and it wouldn't give you the same intensity as a 250w metal halide also wouldn't reach the same depths as a metal halide would..also, the color spectrum could be wrong and it wouldn't matter how many watts you had!! i would not listen to any advice from this lfs..take it from people that actually keep reefs and fish successfully!!!!
Well I think you guys said it all, What Krish and Steve said. I dont get how people like that stay in buisness. Its beyond me. If I did that I would be out in a second. Man they will let anyone sell this stuff for profit. And then people wonder why I dont do a LFS, But then again it could be employee, then the owner needs to fire them.
Well I think you guys said it all, What Krish and Steve said. I dont get how people like that stay in buisness. Its beyond me. If I did that I would be out in a second. Man they will let anyone sell this stuff for profit. And then people wonder why I dont do a LFS, But then again it could be employee, then the owner needs to fire them.
I have a place here in town is just like that, It is a sad shame, not a way to do business at all!:mad: