o2manyfish - Skimmer Comparison

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Hey Guys,

Don't know what the problem is with some people and the camera. I know Deltec Doug can view but not control the camera, I know Old Yeller Tang can't get anything at all.

Since I put up the camera yesterday morning, the camera has been controlled by almost 300 different IP addresses.

I don't know how many people have had issues. While working in the yard yesterday I saw it moving all the time. So it seems the majority of people are having good luck with controlling it.

It might be a firewall issue on your guys end. If you have access your firewall settings.To control my 2 cameras you need access to Ports 80, 81, 65310, 65311, 65312, 65313

Also for those having a problem - You can try to access the camera directly via IP address -

If you are interested in watching the cameras regularly you can download a small program from Canon directly called Webcam Live View - It seems to connect to the camera directly and increases the Frame Rates by almost double.

Dave B
I had no problems using the cam for all the skimmers. I just got through shopping around, saw the Euro reef over $400, a little steep for the time being.
Hey Folks,

Well let me give you an update from out here. Seems like most people are having no problem with the camera. In the first 24 hours over 1000 different IP addresses took control of the camera... I was amazed.

The skimmers have plenty to skim. Sadly since Friday, I have lost almost 900 pcs of my SPS collection. The majority of my mother colonies are gone, and most of my favorites as well.

Madison brought over an assortment of air flow meters last night, and we tinkered with them a bit.

Not giving exact amounts, but the Red Dragon amazingly sucked in about 1500 l/hr of air.

The Euro-Reef using the Dolphin pump provided by Euro-Reef sucked in about 400 l/hr.

The Deltec sucked in about 600 l/hr.

We are supposed to be getting a deluge of rain here in So Cal. So I have been working on trying to button up the loose ends here ( I replaced all the doors on the back of my house, and they are not yet trimmed or primed).

Today I took one of the frag tanks off line, I went from 6 racks of frags and a tank of mother colonies, to one partially filled rack. So that lowered the water volume in the over all system by about 80g.

While taking the tank off line I stirred up a lot of muck into the system. Since then the Bubble King has not been happy. Madison is watching it closely via the web cam and we will see what it's issue is.

I also added a 120w UV Sterilizer to the system today.

Next week my new custom 175 gph RO with a 2 to 1 waste ratio is coming.

Now the good news. It appears the die off of the Acroporas is slowing. I did not loose any colonies today, just some mild RTN'ing -(Pretty sad when loosing just a couple of branches is a good sign : ) I am seeing polyps coming out on my remaining corals, and my LPS are starting to open again.

So hopefully the system will be stable by the weekend. And we will get a chance to start dialing in the skimmers.

Everyone should note that the Euro-Reef, has a drain line in the skimmer collection cup. So just cause the cup is not filling up does not mean it's not skimming.

Dave B
That red dragon pump is an amazing piece of equipment. That deltec pump is a wienie compared to the RD. Is the deltec pump the 1060 model? What about the ER pump? Sedra 3500, 5000, or 9000?

John H.
The Deltec pump is a 1260. I thought it was odd that it didn't read higher because I have an "off the shelf" 1260 that i tested and it was pulling more than 1000L per hour. Maybe the pump isn't operating at 100% or maybe the mods they do to the eheims cut down on air. Either way, it's skimming very well.
Needlewheels will always pull less air compared to using a real impeller since impellers are far more efficient at pushing water and thus this will increase air input... at least that's how I see it. :) I'm sure the deltec modified pump is much better at dicing up the bubbles.

John H.
I don't see why they can't make an impeller that does both, Push water with the blades & on the outer end have a needle wheel attached to break the air coming in.
maybe i'm not following you exactly but both skimmers/pumps (BK and Deltec) employ needlewheels.

I don't think anyone expected the Eheim to push as much air/water as the Red Dragon, but wheather that is a benefit or not is yet to be seen.

It's simple, stick a normal impeller designed for that BK pump and I'll bet that you'll push more flow and pull in more air, but that doesn't mean it'll be a better skimmer pump with a normal impeller since the normal impeller won't break up the bubbles nearly as well as the needlewheels and that is what really counts because of the ratio between bubble surface area to bubble volume.

Think about it, if needlewheels could move water as well as impellers designed for flow, you'd think that people would have moved onto that long before skimmers came around. :)

John H.
Dave, glad to hear that your system is getting back on track. Losing 900 pieces of SPS is no joke. It must have been a very sad weekend for you. Regards.
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Well the rains have finally started here - They say the first round is going to be 5 days.

I know for you folks North of me, that is no big deal.

I have tented the system, to try to keep the salinity issues in check. Have to see how it does.

Tomorrow I will try to move the tents to give a better view of the skimmers running.

Dave B
My bad rufio. I understand the principle of needlwheels vs standard very well. I must have fallen asleep at the wheel for a second. I didn't realize you were commenting on my observation of the non needlewheel pump. i had forgotten that i had posted that. Sorry for the confusion
Fkadir, thanks for the thoughts, but it's Dave (o2manyfish) that lost all the corals recently. nonetheless, i'm sure he still appreciated the statement:D