Obtaining live sand

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Oct 22, 2004
Nassau, Bahamas
Has anyone ever tried to obtain sand directly out of the ocean? If so, how far off of land do you suggest going? Being from the Bahamas, I'm completely surrounded by ocean (the island is only 21 miles by 7) so I figured it wouldn't make that much sense to import it if we, here in the Bahamas, export it...or am I wrong?? Is there anything in particular to look out for or not really?
I dont know. I would say living on the island it is exported from, I would probley just go get it myself. I am however very very hard headed and tend to just do what I think is right.
Flip side of the coin. You could be importing bad stuff.
Or of course you could be importing all kinds of neat things that never survive to the states.
The real question is are you willing to risk it?
Think about this. Thousands of pounds are exported from islands all over the oceans. Live rock as well. I would say you have just a good or bad of odds as anyone else in getting bad stuff.
Just my thoughts. Steve
My thoughts exactly. I may take the chance. I figured I'd go off of land quite a ways and look for a healthy untouched reef and obtain sand from around it...probably sifting it a bit.
I think it should be o.k. to get NOT live sand there and seed it. I have heard that in the ocean near the reefs there are various grain sizes and types to be seen within a small area so you choose just clean and dry it out and start from scratch ? Just a possible safer idea :)
go for it! do you know what people pay for live sand in the states?and what we get(are sold)is nothing like what you can get!!!!
please send me some! send me an e-mail and we will work this out!
[email protected]
my web page http//home.comcast.net/~chris_stewart
i did it and it worked out fine u wont believe the cool kinds of snails and stuff u get from the ocean!! But i got mine off of the nc coast and it was awesome i can only immagine what kind of stuff would be in ls from where u live ) i say go for it and send me some too !!!!
I don't see any problem with collecting it. I would only suggest that you get it from an area that doesn't see much tidal activity; in other words not on the beach. Shallow waters tend to have a higher population of cirolanid isopods. They're nasty creatures that you risk bringing in with any live sand or rock, but especially from shallow water. That's why we've been seeing so many come in from the junk Haiti rock lately. Not that all rock from Haiti is junk, but much of it recently is being collected in the wrong areas.

I only wish I lived in an area where I could do the same thing. Here in the Pacific Northwest we have fairly worthless silica sand, which is absolutely full of cirolanids.

Yeah, it is an advantage of living here in the Bahamas...Everything is at your finger tips. A friend of mine just went out yesterday and collected some corals. You can walk on the rocks and pick up thousands of blue hermits and snails that work miracles. I mean, this same guy had hair algae so bad, you couldn't see in his tank. He stopped by the shore, got about 50 or so of these little snails, and in less than 18 hrs, you couldn't find any form of algae anywhere. It was like he boiled everything in his tank for hours it was so clean. I had to see it to believe it. Yeah, but in reference to the sand, sand is in an abundance here...From pink fine sand in Harbour Island to crushed corals in numerous places. I'd be more than happy to send anyone sand. I don't know how expensive it would be to ship, but the sand wouldn't cost a dime. I'd be more than willing to send it. I'm always looking for another excuse to jump in the water!
Say what?? $350.00 for overnight and $49.00 for 3-5 day delivery? Like they say here in the Bahamas, "Well mudda sick!" Or in otherwards, "Holy Crap!"