Oceanic tanks temperd?

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Mar 6, 2004
Does anyone know if oceanic's 30 cube tempered? And is an overflow drilled from the side wall quieter than a bottom drain?

Bottom Drain's ? How does the tank not drain if the return pump is off?
I guess if it is plumbed from the bottom But gets it's water from say an internal overflow that would work!!

That being said Side overflows also usually get water from an internal overflow.
External overflows can be from 1/2 of an oval cut near the top and only if the top is strong enoughp or it might bust on you.

I guess you could have a drain inside and a box with a stand pipe assuming the pipe diameter is big enoughp either way they can be silenced.

The real question is wall strength.
There will be an internal overflow like you see in a standard RR tank. I guess my question was... will drilling the hole in the back wall make the gargling go away? I currently have a RR 50gal that makes a lot of noise, and no space in the internal box to make a silencer due to the spraybar plumbing.

I know the bigger oceanic tanks have a tempered bottom... I have a 30 cube that i want to make into a sps tank and need to drill some holes. Does anyone know if they are temperd too?


Bottom Drain's ? How does the tank not drain if the return pump is off?
I guess if it is plumbed from the bottom But gets it's water from say an internal overflow that would work!!

That being said Side overflows also usually get water from an internal overflow.
External overflows can be from 1/2 of an oval cut near the top and only if the top is strong enoughp or it might bust on you.

I guess you could have a drain inside and a box with a stand pipe assuming the pipe diameter is big enoughp either way they can be silenced.

The real question is wall strength.
Oceanic "reef ready" tanks are drilled on the bottom but the glass is excessivly thick, I have seen those cube tanks before and the bottoms are not too thick. IMO if your going to drill, drill the side. :)
Hi Suyong.

I think the bottom IS tempered, but the sides ARE NOT.

I know a lot of people drilling these tanks, and MOdding them for high flow. How many holes are you looking to drill?

Check out http://www.nano-reef.com several folks there have drilled the sides...stay away from the bottom, it is tempered. I asked the same question about the gurgling noise to someone else recently and have yet to receive an answer. I just picked up a 30g Oceanic cube Friday and plan on drilling the back for an overflow...but nobody can drill me a 2 3/4" hole for my spears 1 1/2" bulkhead...still looking.
Elmo I was thinking of 3 holes... one drain and two return, would that make the back too weak?

DisturbedReef, As for the gargling I too have read that it will make it quiet. I will let you know if it really works. First I need to remove all the clowns in that tank!

yes the gargling is from the drain. I don't have room for a stand pipe becuase of the spraybar bulkhead is over the drain bulkhead. poor planning! The 30 gal cube won't have a spraybar so I want it as silent as possible.
Elmo I was thinking of 3 holes... one drain and two return, would that make the back too weak?

IMO, yes it will make it too weak. On a tank that size, and with the thickness of the glass, I would not risk it..

It may hold for awhile, but I am not sure if it will hold long term. I think the max I would do is 2 holes. One for the intake for the closed loop and the other for water going to the sump.

Now to get water back up to the tank, one idea is to go "over the top of the tank" using PVC and a Y, or other endpieces. You could also go "over the top of the tank" for the closed loop. Basically the two holes are just for escaping water, while returning water go into pvc pipes that loop over the lip of the tank and into the water via an L, or 45-Lbow.

Did that make sense?

The glass is 5/16" thick but I agree with you Elmo, I think that 3 holes on a single side would be risky. I may have to rethink the closed loop because I am going to do an open top tank and would hate to see all the pce pipe up there.

Im getting the ball rolling and ordering the bulheads and glass holesaw tonight... 3/4" drain sound good enough? thats what i got on my 50gal.
One more thing! Would a Coast to Coast Overflow work well In a cube tank?
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Hi Suyong.

Regarding the coast to coast overflow, I know "Ken" aka 'kendog261' has made a modified coast to coast...using the Oceanic cube (the one about 21"x20"x22" tall or so...I'm just guessing here..) not all the way across the back, but probably in the middle back. He then siliconized (or which..i'm not sure) acrylic box on the outside. This is just like an outside overflow box. However, and I am not sure if I am correct...but he recently took his tank down, or had to switch tanks. I'm not sure if it is due to any malfunction.

Maybe he will chime in on what happened, or give better insight.

I hear you on the PVC up top. Definitely not something you want if you will do an open top. Will the stand be short or something, so that you can really walk up to it and look at it top down?
