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Oceans by Design aquarium led light fixtures

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Im sure you do but i didnt see them on your website. The minions are working hard restocking this product(s) LOL. But what types will you be carrying?
Im sure you do but i didnt see them on your website. The minions are working hard restocking this product(s) LOL. But what types will you be carrying?
Of lights? or controllers? We(the minions) are currently working on adding products to the website daily.
Oh I guess it would be important to ask what I'm looking for haha. Ca Reactor for 200gal +
Are you looking for an internal reactor or external? We feel strongly about our Signature Series Calcium Reactor( the minions have not yet added this to our site yet). Since we manufacture the units one site with quality cast acrylic and cnc milled parts, we can manufacture a reactor size to suite your reef needs. If you would like to come into the store we can show you the ones we are running here.
External one. It will be awhile till I'm up that direction to take a look and I'm liking to purchase soon. Thanks anyway but I'll have to still come up and check out the hard work.
External one. It will be awhile till I'm up that direction to take a look and I'm liking to purchase soon. Thanks anyway but I'll have to still come up and check out the hard work.
Ours is an external dual chamber unit. If space is an issue we could make it a single chamber unit.
Sorry and it will support to what size tank? I current have 135gal setup LPS and SPS. But looking at purchasing a 150-180 in the spring and want the reactor to be axle to handle 250+. Also what's your cost range for these?
Darryl, I apologize. I gave Becca the footprint of our dual GFO/GAC reactor. I didn't realize she was looking for the Calcium Reactor footprint. That has a lager footprint than what was quoted. I'm on the road right now but I will check it first thing in the morning for you. Our standard Calcium Reactor is a dual 6" chamber however we can make single chamber or dual with 6" or 4" diameters on either. Sorry for the confusion if it caused any. It was my bad.

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It's all good. Give me a pm or quick call in the morning I have other things to spec out. Thanks you both and look forward to talking with you.
Darryl I thought I would jump in and give you some details/ideas on the calcium reactors. As with all things at OBD we try to custom fit all of our products (from tanks to filtration to lighting) to fit the customers conditions or basically make it fit. So we can orientate the tubes/pumps/plumbing to accommodate the space the customer has to work with. So in saying that I will give you some standard features/design concepts.

Calcium reactor: Dual or single chamber out of either 4 or 6 inch cast acrylic standing approx. 14 inches tall with another 2 inches of plumbing on top of that (we can reduce the height if needed). The dual 4 inch tube unit will need approx. 12 inches wide and then about 10 inches front to back. It comes with a re-circulation pump and control valve along with unions top and bottom of it for easy maintenance, a bubble counter tube (2 inch) that instead of the standard bubbles being dosed in it has a micro diffuser that puts a mist of co2 to allow for better dissolve rate, a high end output valve that allows very accurate control of effluent drip rates and all the fittings, tubing, probe holder and valves to complete the unit. You would have to supply the Co2, regulator (which we can get for you) and water input source (you can use a small PH or plumb in a direct line from another water source in your system) and then a ph probe/monitor (which we can also get for you). The design concept is based on an article I put up on RF that is located HERE

The six inch tube model mirrors the 4 inch but requires a 16 by 12 footprint. As per what size tank they would handle that is a hard thing to say with any accuracy, its all going to depend on the calcium/alkalinity demand you system has and not so much the water volume, but I would say the smaller 4 inch dual tube unit could handle a tank of your size pretty much stuffed with high calcium/alk demand corals :biggrin:.

We are also in the process of working out the final designs on a single tube calcium reactor but we are not far enough to give out an accurate description. Anyway that is our unit, but we can also get you any Reef Octopus unit, or Bubble Magnus or Geo's

hope it helps

Thank Mojo
I know this was OBD LEDs thread but my Reefing greed kicked in and I had to ask. I appreciate ALL the time given to my question and time taken. I will call to get started in this today. That's again to everyone.
LOL dawg!! your lights are all wired/tested and waiting on the box parts to arrive (should be early this week)
Mojo, I spoke with Aquanaut about her set up. Has Neptune assisted with the issue about the Apex causing the drivers to wink out at the threshold of .5V? I would like to do a dawn to dusk ramp up and down and have a moonlight effect and even cloudy conditions simulated too. I am currently looking at the Apex JR, but with the savings I may go for a full Apex unit. Or, if the Typhoon can do the controlling of the lights without the sudden "lights out", then I may do that and then do the Apex JR for temp, pH and another probe.

MIke I am not sure what the "Wink out" means? Are you referring when then turn off?? Here is an explaination of the way the lights work with the Neptune Apex or the typhoon units.

On the Apex: The apex unit comes with a VDM unit built into the full unit or it can be bought as an add on. This VDM (variable dimming Module) operates using 0-10 volts, our lights operate using 0-5 volts on the dimming circuit, the effect if has is to double the numbers. As in if the Apex is set up ramp from 0-20% then the effect would mean that the lights are actually getting 0-40%. All the features that the apex does for dimmable lighting should be in effect according to the folks at Neptune.
On the Typhoon unit: This unit has both a 0-5 volt and a 0-10 Volt capability. So when we wire the lights for it we use the 0-5v option so all the features that a typhoon offers will apply. Off the top of my head you get the ramp up and ramp down set by yourself as to how long and how intence, you also can do a dawn and dusk and so on. On the clouds I am not sure you would have to check with Neptune or Boostled to see if that is part of their programming.

On the "Wink off" let me know what this is and I will do my best to answer it.

take care

Opps just re-read your post. All drivers have a minimum threashold for when they turn off, so it is a function of the drivers and not the controllers. On my personal unit on my home tank I used the Meanwell 60-48D drivers and they do the same thing with my apex. You can control this, So if you know that the drivers wont go down past the .5 volt mark then you just set your controller options to reflect that. In the setup of the Apex you get the option to set the starting and ending power percentage. This is done when you set up your profiles, in here you can tell the apex to start at any percentage, so you would simply have the start and end percentage be just above that driver threshold.

hope that makes sense

Thanks Mike,

What I mean by "wink off", comes from speaking with Aquanaut. I was under the impression that if the Apex is sending a voltage between 0.1V and 0.5V the Helios will not recognize that low of a voltage and would either not turn on, or if it was coming down from a higher signal voltage it would turn the lights completely off at say a voltage signal of 0.4V. If I am understanding what you are saying is the Helios can handle such a low voltage signal and should dim all the way down to a voltage signal of approximately 0.1V before they turn off completely.

I may have misunderstood what Aquanaut was saying and that she does not have that effect where the lights turn off at a voltage sign below 0.5V. I thought that is what she said, that they turn off or did not turn on when the voltage signal was below that 0.5V threshold.

Hope I explained it clearer. If not I can give you a call.
