oceanus systems

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I use a Litermeter3 fro my top off, but NaH2O has a Tunze Osmolator and her experiances with it are great. Might take a look at the Osmolator as a possibility as well.

It uses two infrared sensors that dont rely on light to determine water height. They also dont get confused by snails etc, so dont require snail guards. Its about the same price as the Atlas, but I've never heard of any floods caused by it malfunctioning. I will most likely be switching to an Osmolator when I upgrade tanks.

BTW, welcome to Reef Frontiers.

top off controller

Hello thanks for your input but i`m looking for something that i can run direct from my ro/di tunze is a good product but not what i`m looking for . oceanus systems has i think 3 or 4 controllers that plug direct into a ro/di just wondering if anyone else makes a controller that compare`s to oceanus. thanks
I havent seen many that do....gimme a few minutes and I'll check through my links here on my computer.

The reason I suggested something along the lines of the Osmolator is because a float valve failure connected to your RO/Di water source can have diasterous consequences. By putting in an intermediate step, (such as some container to store RO/Di water that the top off is connected to) you alleviate the chance of a flood or worse yet a serious die off due to hyposalinity.

Have you got a failsafe or were you just relying on the dual float valves w/ snailguards to prevent problems?

top off

yes i`m looking at adding r/o d/i water to my top off tank then pump it into my sump oceanus looks like the winner in quility built
top off

thanks maxx thats the list i have come up with also i have 2 on that list that let me down bad Never buy any thing that uses suction cups or tie wraps to secure a float or bracket i think i will ask oceanus if they can make me a custom there website says they do custom work thanks for your help.
No problem, wish I could have been more helpful to you.

I spoke with oceanus systems yesterday and ordered a poseidon top off with snail guards they were very help full and i have heard nothing but good things about them. thanks again maxx
No problem. Please keep us informed on how well the Oceanus top off works for you.

Got my Oceanus top off today and the pictures on there site do not do them justice very well made and very heavy duty it took less time to hook it up then write this.
Welcome to RF!

Is there anything you dont like about the Oceanus unit?

Hows yours holding up Aqaumadman?

Hello maxx my oceanus top off is working like a champ no problems and the way it`s built i`m sure it will last a long time. thumbs up to oceanus systems
Do you guys still like your oceanus top off units. I am thinking of ordering the atlas in the near future and would love some more input.
