October Tank of the Month

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2009
Hansville, WA
Let's give Tobi & Jeremy (OurReef) a big Congrats:D



Tank Size
180 Gallon

How Did You Get Into This Hobby?
Roughly 8 years ago one of Tobi’s friends asked us if we wanted to buy their 75g saltwater tank, both of us being avid animal lovers and myself being a self-proclaimed expert in freshwater husbandry, we decided to take the dive so to say and purchased the poor tank and all its inhabitants. Few mushrooms, a giant green ricordia, one wrasse, and one big eyed soldier fish (Kermit as I called him). Nobody ever tells you how addictive this hobby really is. Last summer after returning from deployment we decided to upgrade to a 180g tank, six months later we had all the parts to do so.


Our tank is lit up by three 400w halides with Coralvue bulbs powered by Galaxy’s select a watt ballasts set to turbo. (turbos make everything better) Two five foot t-5s round out the lighting for the tank.


We run filter socks and an Eshopps S-200 skimmer to filter the tank, cleaning the skimmer about every two to three weeks depending. Water is returned via a Reeflo Dart Gold (nearly silent) to three ¾ Seaswirls. Flow is assisted by two MP40s run on whatever mode floats my boat for that week.

Live Stock
I would love to give a complete list of our livestock but I don’t think people have that much time to waste reading; last count was well over 100 different sps/lps/clams. I can however give you a fish count. 23 total fish consisting of 6 chalk basslet, 3 Coris wrasse, 2 of the following black ice clowns bengai cardinal, chromis, and blue line pipe fish, 1 of the following pygmy wrasse, pajama cardinal, atlantic blue tang, purple tang, rabbit and pink spotted goby. We also have 3 cleaner shrimp a peppermint 3 emerald crabs and one “lavender” emerald crab.




What Was Your Favorite Part of The Build?
I can’t really pick out a favorite part of my build, I enjoyed most of it equally, pre planning everything, mocking all the plumbing and position of the tank and equipment, it was actually relaxing for the most part. Tobi’s favorite part was stocking the tank (and she continues to do so).


Feeding (Fish and Coral) and Schedule
Now I know most people have a strict feeding schedule, we feed them everyday with some form of “greens” for the tangs, although everybody usually takes at least one bite. We feed with other meaty foods several times per week.

Dosing and Schedule.

We have and ATO fed by an RODI that runs through our kalk reactor. We do not dose everything, when we used to dose, we started having other problems. We do religious water changes weekly.


Do You Have a Favorite Fish and Why?
My favorite of those is the pygmy wrasse, Tobi’s has a tie between the purple tang and the black ice clowns.


What Is Your Favorite Type of Coral?
My favorite type of coral is montipora, although after our run in with those nudibranches,
we have very little in our tank. Tobi’s favorite type is Acan’s of all sorts. Our ultimate favorite
piece is our new “SC signature” rainbow bubble, it is by far the brightest thing in the tank and it is just a baby. So there you have it…that is OurReef



Link tohttp://www.reeffrontiers.com/forums/f70/ourreefs-180-reef-65161/
Congrats! What a great looking tank! Love the macro pics.
Alway's so nice to see a beauitful system:) Great that you two enjoy this together. Congrads! Thank you for sharing +1
Way to go you two. =) That signature BTA is really beautiful. What is the name of the acropora with purple tips? That is beautiful! Do you both like the 20k bulbs?
Way to go you two. =) That signature BTA is really beautiful. What is the name of the acropora with purple tips? That is beautiful! Do you both like the 20k bulbs?

This one?ImageUploadedByTapatalk1351047890.299594.jpg

That's a tyree pink lemonade, it used to be yellow but turned green under the 20k's lol

We didn't like to 20k's at first, but we switched from CoralVue bulbs (way too blue) to USHIO and like them a bunch now :)