Octopus Skimmer water level???

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Aug 17, 2006
Just got mu Octopus Skimmer. I placed it in thr sump and turned it on. I looks OK but the water doesnt go all the way up in the Skimmer. Its a little more than half way. Is this normal??? Im I doing something wrong? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
No it is not operational when doing that. It needs to fill the chamber with pressure enough to fill to the top. Mine did the same thing. A few of the pumps are a bit touchy. The pump that drives it is a bit fickle when first starting or power outages. The fingers are pretty widely spaced on the "impeller" needle wheel. Try unplugging the power, letting it drain, then replug it in and blow a bit of air into the air vacuum line. The pump doesn't like back pressure during start-up. If that doesn't work, unscrew it from the chamber and restart it. Once you get it going, you will have no further problems.
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1 adjust the riser pipe where the water is going out. 2 allow 3-4 days for the oils to go away and the skimmer to break in. 3 have a wonderful day
Mine did the same thing. A few of the pumps are a bit touchy. The pump that drives it is a bit fickle when first starting or power outages. The fingers are pretty widely spaced on the "impeller" needle wheel. Try unplugging the power, letting it drain, then replug it in and blow a bit of air into the air vacuum line. The pump doesn't like back pressure during start-up. If that doesn't work, unscrew it from the chamber and restart it. Once you get it going, you will have no further problems.

which one ya got buddy
Octopus NW 150, absolutely the best skimmer I have ever had. The best for the money too. Did I tell you I love the octopus? Brad, thanks again for the referral!
Sill nothing. Tried blowing in the vacuum line and it still doesnt work. I tried shutting it off and on too. Anything else I could do? Am I harming the Skimmer by letting it run improperly?
OK Brad you were right. It was the riser tube. However now I have a new problem. Now the water the cup is filling up with water. Now what did I do??? This isnt working out very well for me.
You have to lower the riser tube. The riser tube is how you adjust the skimmer. Move it higher the water level rises. Lower the Riser and lower the water. You have to fiddle with until you produce the skimmate you desire.
the 150's had had problems with the pump restarting because people would have to blow into the venturi to get it sucking air.
adjust the tube to the proper height down a little you want the bubbles to work to get over the top.
Ok now I feel a little dumb. The tube wasn't pushed all the way down! Oops :) Seems to be working well now. I got some bubbles going into the tank now, Im hoping that'll go away in a bit. Any ideas? By the way thanks for the help guys, it wouldve takin me for ever to figure out I left the riser tube in the box. Last question, it came with a piece that Im not sure what its for. Its about 2 inches long, black, has two air tube lookin things coming out one end. Does anyone know what this is for?
That is the silencer for the air line. Feed the clear hose through the hose holder near the neck of the skimmer and then attach the silencer to the end of the hose and let it hang over your sump.

Raise the pipe a bit and make sure you have the sponges on the riser pipe above the water a bit. This will handle the little bubbles. You will be a pro in under 2 days and less than a couple hours total of fiddling.
Still have a few bubbles. Guess I have to mess with the riser a bit more
Most skimmers can take a day to a week to settle in and become "aged" I am confident yours is fine and will be doing an awesome job in short order.
You can speed the process by running it in a buck with vinegar or a little muratic acid. With the MA it should actually skim off all the oils.

the sponges that go on the riser tube should take care of all the bubbles...also, the airline on that one doesn't have to hang over your sump..there is a little hole on the top of the skimmer that it fits in...i have my riser tube almost at the bottom...i adjusted it alot and finally got it where i wanted it..it is about 1-2" from the bottom..it pulls drier skimmate and doesn't fill the collection cup up with water....did you figure out that the black piece slides over the pump's intake tube, then the airline will fit over the airline barb???
You will get some micro bubbles out of the return. The foam filter on will prevent some, but chances are you always going to have some micro bubbles..
Just wanted to give you guys an update: My new Skimmer is working great! The bubbles are almost all gone. I do have a few microbubbles as james734 said, but very few. Im very happy with my new Skimmer. Thanks for the help everyone. What a difference! From a SeaClone to an Octopus. It's like night and day!