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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2011
Watertown NY
I am very sorry to put this here, not sure were to put it. But this needs to be shared, IN MY OPINION. This hits home to me and alot of others, not only personal experience but my daughter has gone though it also.

I am a grown man, who works construction, and yes, I cry every time I watch.

This is not intended to offend anyone, just to inform people of the terrible things are children experience everyday, whether victum, perpitrator, or bystander. It must stop, NO CHILD DESERVES THIS.

I do appologize if anyone is offended, that is not my intentions.

YouTube - Words are worse than Sticks and Stones
Bullying has become much more of an issue, than it was, when I was in school. Back then, 2 kids got in a fight, as soon as one fell down, and didn't get back up, the fight was over. After that, life went on, as normal. Neither kid got expelled or anything worse than a visit to the principal's office. Today, things are much worse. Sometimes, all of the social media, of the internet, is used to make bullying that much worse. It's a sad new "reality."

Since this isn't on the Reefing Topic, I'll move it to the Water Fountain, where it's more appropriate.

On a side note, but somewhat related, did you see the video of the child who finally got tired of being bullied all the time, and body slammed the kid who'd constantly bullied? Not that I condone any school violence, but I'd be willing to bet, that bully will think twice, before bullying again.
Very sad that people are treated this way. I think alot of younger kids don't really understand what it does to the people they tease until they get older, more mature where they can actually understand and grasp things. Un-fortunately, sometimes it's a bit too late and the damage is already done :(. I have 2 children of my own. I hope they never have to go through these things. I was fortunate enough throughout my whole school experience (and even life) to have never been teased for anything. I was so lucky because I was the kid who kinda went against the grain a bit and never smoked, touched alcohol, never even said a "cuss" word (believe it or not but anyone who knows me will affirm) and yet I was still always accepted by everyone and was actually considered one of the more popular kids growing up. We probably all teased someone at some point in our lives, but I was always conscious of it never taking it to the point where it would hurt someones feelings. It was always all in good fun and if I ever offended anyone, I apologized. It's just me. This is something I adopted from a child and still carry with me today. I really feel for those kids that are teased to the point where they feel like they want to commit suicide or that no one loves them....It is so so sad. :(
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Yeah, I just wish more parents would educate there kids about the effects of bullying. And encourage there children to not tolerate it and stop it or report it.

It is more cool to help than to watch!