Ok big Mistake on my 55 hex, can we say a prayer for the dead?????

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Apr 21, 2005
Tacoma, Wa
Ok, today was a horrible day!!!! My girlfriend thought that she was adding RO water, instead she added freshly made salt water, with salt that wasn't dissolved. She dumped it right in the top of my tank. So I lost almost all of my fish and corals today.

She did this yesterday sometime and woke up this morning with 3 dead brittle stars, 1 yellow tang, 3 leathers, my xenia, a butt load of turbo snails and hermits, 2 sand sifters, a clown, a purple wrasse with a black stripe on its head, three or four leathers, and 4 shrimp (peppermint, and coral banded, 2 cleaner shrimp).

Not knowing what to do, I searched on here and found a awesome person that helped me rescue the few things that I have left. She knows who she is! I stripped my tank and basically did a 50% water change to drop my salt back down and even out the flow. This took four hours, do to the trickle cycle. Then I introduced my fish back to the new water, which took another hour, and re- did all my live rock. I also added crushed coral on the bottom of the tank, on top of my fine sand, so that I could get my current with out messing up the sand itself. My water was at 1.034 when I started stripping my tank, when I left it was at 1.022!!! This was with out measuring along the way, pure dumb luck! I took my water to Indoor Reef and Jeremiah, who is like my brother, did a full test on my water and says that it is pretty much perfect. My PH was a little low, but my lights were on all day and a huge water change could of caused that.

I rescued two brittles, a few hermits and turbos, one clown fish, a leopard wrasse that is fighting for his life, and we are trying to save a group of the xenia, praying that they will revive. The rest of it is dead :confused: :(

I'll just put it this way, my tank looks like a brand new set up, and bare as hell, it sucks. I am going to wait a while and have another test done in a week or two before I start rebuilding. Money is tight as well, so it is going to be a slow process.

I also need to desperately get new lights, I am running Power COmpacts, not even strong enough for my tank. We figured out one day that it was 3 watts per gallon------- :shock: Which is nothing!! So I can't even get anything cool till I get Halides. So I think that is going to be my next step. I am going to keep an eye on here and ebay, maybe something will be cheap enough to afford.

Thanks for reading my ordeal, Amateurs, such as my self, make sure you read about what you are doing, and mark your different water containers so this doesn't happen to you.

Good Luck, Good Fishing :cool:
Ouch, I bet your girlfriend feels awfull. That would suck. Sorry about your losses. At least you were able to save some stuff, and you are doing the right thing. Talking about where mistakes were made and a solution so they are not made again. Glad your here. Steve
So sorry to hear of such a horrible loss. I agree, your girlfriend must feel devestated, thinking she was helping and then this happened. Good luck with your rebuild.
hthwilson - sorry to hear about this. Keep your eye on the water parameters, and see if you get an ammonia spike. Let us know how things go!
Thanks for the support guys, I appreciate it. I am going to have my water checked a bit more regularly for the next couple of weeks. Also I want to buy one of those "telescope thingy's" that check your salinity instead of the cheap plastic one that I have. When they checked my water with that, it was two points above what mine said.

The "Telescope thingy" is call a Refractometer. They typically run about $70ish. I personally really like mine, and very happy with spending the money to have it.

As for your problem. Sorry to hear about it. *pout* I know have you feel, as well as your girlfriend.

About 3 months ago, my better half started taking care of my "evaporation make-up water". She knew I evaporated about 2 gallons a day. She also knew when I store my RO/DI water, its in 5 gallon plastic jug's. Well, thinking ahead, she decided the best way for her to do the top-offs... was to take out about 3 gallons of SALT water every day and toss it... then dump the entire 5 gallons of RO/DI water into the tank.

I make RO/DI water not only for myself, but for her Son and his wife's 2 tanks as well... and they are always comming over swapping out jugs of water, so I never thought twice about having 3-4 empties at one time sittin around.

Well... after about 6 weeks of my better-half's help with my top-offs... everything in my tank started suffering!!! I tested everything, and it was all good. Talk about being puzzled. Finally, I decided I just had to do about a 25% waterchange. As an afterthought from testing my waterchange water and checking its salinity, I decided to test my tank's salinity. OUCH!!! My reading was down to 1.016! Fish luv'd it... but my corals suffered greatly.

Thankfully, both my better-half and myself have learned a thing or two and that mistake won't happen again. I now test my main tank every week when I do my waterchanges... INCLUDING my Specific Gravity! And... she learned that it was OKAY for me to spend money on a float switch, to automate some things so she can't get blamed for problems. *grinz*

Best of luck with your tank. Hang in there, I'm sure it will all come back and be every bit as wonderful as it was before soon!
Sorry to hear about your loss , my wife tried to help a few years back and did the same thing now all my bottles are marked (tuff lesson to learn ) but this to shall pass , about the lights I have a 54 gal. courner unit that drove me nuts finding a MH set up. I can highly recomend the 24"Coralife Aqualight Pro it is 150 watt HQI Mh and two 65 watt actinic PC's along with two moon lights all in one sleek and compact unit , about $355.00 on line . Here is what my tank looks like under these lights and the corals I keep . If you need more photo's let me know . HTH