OMG are you kidding me?

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Mike your right on that.. BUT if you are a animal lover you hate to seethings like this happen..
On that note I did buy a tiny Naso tang that was as thin as a ritz cracker and he is still going strong..:) you remember "Cracker"?? LOL
He is now fattened up and healthy and starting to show his/her corlors
Sorry if this offends anyone.

I do not know the name of this store, nor do I want to, but if there so many negative comments on them, why would u want to put anything in your tank from them??
Mike is right that they will only listen to the bottom line. If they sell them they will re-order, 9 times outta 10.

Stop going to this store and buying items, any items, that is the best way to get the point across.
Or you got do what I would and walk in and when someone asks if you need help.... tell them loudly, "NO! I would never buy anything from a store that doesn't know how to take care of the animals that they are selling and tell other uninformed patrons that this is how it is done!"

But that's just me....... :evil: :biggrin1:
This reminds me of a "Pet Store" we have up in Marysville... I'm sure locals know exactly the one I'm talking about. I go in there to buy my dog food once a month, and go look at their tanks. Usually can find at least one dead fish, a few dying corals, and the tanks just look nasty. It's weird though, because they have one cube "display only" tank that actually looks really nice. But all the stuff they sell you looks like garbage. I buy my dog food there, but wouldn't ever consider putting anything from there in my tank.

I think the problem is that all the people who work there don't know the first thing about saltwater tanks.
This reminds me of a "Pet Store" we have up in Marysville... I'm sure locals know exactly the one I'm talking about. I go in there to buy my dog food once a month, and go look at their tanks. Usually can find at least one dead fish, a few dying corals, and the tanks just look nasty. It's weird though, because they have one cube "display only" tank that actually looks really nice. But all the stuff they sell you looks like garbage. I buy my dog food there, but wouldn't ever consider putting anything from there in my tank.

I think the problem is that all the people who work there don't know the first thing about saltwater tanks.

You should try to find a new store that carries your dogfood. Hit them where it hurts some more.
Crystalclear125 said:
just go and look at them, please. here is a pic of mine he was the biggest in there, the rest are half his size are smaller.

Not that it matters a whole bunch but did you ask them if they eat frozen food or not? If they do then they might have a chance.
Nothing like a store showing noobs how to overstock the right way

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thats just their holding tank. You expect LFS to give each fish its own tank for the few days they are in the store?
thats just their holding tank. You expect LFS to give each fish its own tank for the few days they are in the store?

I expect a LFS to at least keep fish in a tank that meets their minimum needs. This scenario doesn't even come close to doing that. Keeping fish in this situation will cause considerable stress, which will give them MUCH LESS of a chance of surviving, in your tank.
I have never been to this store so I cant comment directly on the situation their, but its a tough call on creating enviroments for every critter in any store. Through the years I have been a collector, cherry picker, trans shiper and have been to or worked with every kind of facility.
If you look at the process from capture to the fish sitting in a tank in the store, I would bet my bottom dollar those fish sittiing their in that tank are as happy as they have been in quite a while. You should see them when their is a couple hundred sitting in a plastic tub??

I think if we are all truely honest about it, we all keep fish in our tanks that are as far away from their required needs (anyone own a tang?? lol) If we did the math on what every fish needs we wouldnt be keeping to many fish in our tanks, never mind a store looking to turn the fish over to a hobbist quickly??

Again I dont know this store or anything about it, just doing a general reality check. I think it would be hard to expect a store (any store) in this case to keep 6 tanks to house 6 fish and then make sure the plankton/rotifers/pods population was up to each fishes standards.

Mike thanks for your thoughtful post. I have avoided putting in my $.02 due to the amount of passion on this subject.

I agree entirely. Outside of perhaps coral propagation, our entire hobby is based on " singing caged canaries."

I prefer to see better conditions in LFS, but have known poor survival from the best of stores and good survival from the worst. In fact, I have had better history of buying Petco fish than almost any other store. Be that as it may, I am very picky at the poorer stores and too forgiving at the best. And no, I no longer shop there.

I rarely see outrage over ANY import of Moorish Idols, over the ridiculous sale of Nanos as an "easy" way to keep a marine aquarium, bottled copper-free Ich cures, nor any other psycho means of making a business out of our hobby.

As long as I have any fish (or any pet for that matter) in my care die before it's time, I try not to "cast stones" at others attempts to support the hobby.
I do agree with you Mojo. However with new hobbiests often times they base their opinions off of what they see in LFS's. I recently visited someone who has a leopard shark.....yes a leopard shark in a 55g.....when I asked about it he said..."well the fish store had it in a 30g so I figured this was fine." I informed him of what I believe to be the size tank it should be in in addition to what shark I have, the difference between them (his being far more active), the size tank I currently have them in for "temp housing" and the final tank I am starting to build.....he dang near went pale when I told him all of this. Then I showed him that video of the banded bamboo in a 240....and finally topped it with a quick Google on the max size he could expect. I then told him if he doesn't make some changes quickly he probably wont have to worry about ever seeing that max size.

Very cool guy, and seems very intent on making the adjustments. But the point being is that Newbs can't always differentiate between housing for sale and acceptable housing.
I hate to be this guy, but I live south of 512 and am really new to the reef tank scene (65g for 6 weeks) and want to be sure to avoid this place. Tried making the connections myself but I'm just not that good at rhyming, probably why I'm not a rapper. Thanks!
Lbrewer you have a pm

If its the one I am thinking it is actually in Puyallup
That is a more important point that you made ReefLogic. People buying the fish have got to be informed of the care for the fish. The fish could be held in too small of a tank for them at the stores, but the other point made is that the stores dont have the room for a couple dozen 100+ gal tanks for holding these fish. Plus hopefully they are selling them quick enough to someone with a tank large enough for the fish to be comfortable in. As long as the store tanks are clean, the water is at good parameters for the fish and the fish are healthy, for the short amount of time they are in the store, they should be fine. Its the knoweledge and experience that their employees have and share with the person buying the fish is really important for the health and well being of the fish in its future home. A thought just occurred to me, is that with all the workshops that RF puts on and all the knoweledge and experience here, whats the possiblity of going to the owners of these stores and offering these stores free workshops for their employees on aquarium husbandry to start and access to information to help them learn more about the needs of the fish they are selling. Or at least give the employee the RF website and ask them to visit and read up the care. Yeah a lot of stores just care about the bottom line and dont really care where the animal is going but you never know. It could change the feelings of the employee enough to care.
Well I think I rambled enought, I dont know if I made an sense or not, I have a nasty head cold and soar throat and am really tired and I cant read what I just wrote.
Great points reeflogic and Ipisces!! RF is a free website to all so its up to the individual to learn what they want.

I try not to judge any of these folks unless I have walked a mile in their shoes. Yes I would love to see folks know all their is to know about keeping aquariums and the things that live with in them, but its up to people to look for it if they want it. I do know that owning a LFS is very unforgiving and is definately not for someone that wants to get rich from it:) .

you all have good poiuts, BUT this store in subject.. HAS many other saltwater tanks .. three of them PACKED with live rock for pods.. And no fish in them only a few inverts and crappy corals.. BUT yet they still cram all the manderins in the bio cub because its the first tank you see walking into the fish/reptile room. The tank (biocube with 6 mandarins) also had a pipe fish and a fire fish in it with a flame scalop too. about 5 lbs of rock and.. WAY full of bad algae. The sad thing is there was a 29 gallon tank with only two little clowns in it. Why couldn't a mandarin or two go in there??? or in the tanks with all the live rock in it.???? Weird for sure.. Not right I dont care how fast the fish are sold. ITS NOT RIGHT!!!
Yeah, that's not a healthy environment for them, but unless someone will talk to the owner and get them or the employees to care, its probably not going to change. Education again is the key I think.