OMG!! My lost shipment of dwarf seahorses is still alive!!!!

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Beckmola24 said:
lol, I have 20/20 vision (with my contacts) and the little fry are SUPER hard to see. Talk about making you go blind while trying to watch them ;) I'll try to get out my good camera to try and get some pics of these guys. I got some beauties in this last shipment.

One plus to the seahorses, is that my husband is really interested in them, so maybe I can get him addicted too ;)

I just got a GREAT deal from my LFS for a 37g high tank and stand so I will be setting up for large horses too!!

OK, give them a week, with your 20/20 vision and a good macro shot, maybe I'll be able to pick the little buggers out! Congrats
charlie said:
OK, give them a week, with your 20/20 vision and a good macro shot, maybe I'll be able to pick the little buggers out! Congrats

A week and they should be nice sized ;) The one born in the bag is quite a lot larger than his/her brothers and sisters and "it" was only born 2 days before them. They mature in about 2-3 months time, so they must have a tremendous growth rate.
Ok the pics aren't the best in the world but here are a few of my little herd ;)
The dwarves are all about an inch of body and about a half inch or so of tail. Now keeping those dimensions in mind, aren't those fry TINY!!!??? They're cuties though :D
The one hanging upside down is huting bbs that is below her. They are real acrobats. lol
The 2 that are upright are males. The last pic has my greenish female in the upper left hand side of the pic. Can you count the fry in the last pic??



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Those are adorable!! Is there a great site on seahorses? I am thinking of turning my 36bow just for seahorses. I am starting to readon them I wont be doing this anytime soon..I want lots of research done first..I have an 80 and 36...and the 36 I am thinking of doing to switch too.
Also..can you mix seahorses and pipefish?
I think it depends on the pipefish and the seahorse breed you have. Try I am on their daily using their search function.

Uh Oh, I just saw one of my males do the "mating dance". ;) I already have 9 fry to raise... The mating dance is contageous.
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OMG!! they are sooooo cute!!!I counted maybe 3 babies in the 3rd pic?? And the 2 in the 2nd pic are soo tiny!! You must be having a blast!!!

Wow, Becky, you have beautiful horses!!! I am sooo excited for you!!! I am very glad that they lived, and having fry right away must be so awesome! Great pictures, too!
Keep up your equestrian duties!
Julia from Seattle