One of our own passed away....

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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May 16, 2006
Spokane, Washington, United States
I realize this doesn't exactly belong in this forum, but felt it needed the attention of one of our busiest forums.

Recently, one of our own members, a new member, and a new father, has passed away. Please keep Danny's, (solastsummer) family in our thoughts and prayers!

Here's a copy, from a close friend of his, from another forum.

Danny(solastsummer is his screenname) and his wife had tried to have a baby for the last couple years and kept having miscarriages. This pregnancy was the farthest along they had gotten. His wife was 29 weeks along and was out in Washington visiting family(they lived here in Idaho) when she went into labor. He called me at work two weeks ago in a panic and told me that he was taking his tank down since he had to fly to Seattle and didn't know when he'd be back since the baby would have to be in the hospital for months. He dropped off his corals and fish with me and left. The birth was successful and the baby is healthy for the most part. She will have to be in the care of the hospital in Washington until the due date which is in the middle of May. Friday Danny flew home to get their car and some of their things so they could live up there. He was being driven by his wife's sister to pick up their dog from the dogsitter when she rolled the car, killing him.

Here's Danny's thread, here on Reef Frontiers, introducing himself to us.

Here's the news article.

Here's a thread, on another forum, where an account has been set up, to donate to his family, who needs all the support they can get right now.

Reefer, Dad, and one of our own was killed in a car wreck.
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Wow! I remember replying to his thread and wishing his baby well. :( Life is so un-certain. You have to enjoy every minute and not take anything for granted. :(
ohhh myy!!! God bles the family!!!

please if u can let the family kno that i will pray for them and im sooooo sorry for the lost!!!
me and my family will pray for the family!!!
Thanks for posting this up here! Danny was one of the first people here locally that i bought corals from and we became the best of friends. He would have been a great asset to your community up there, I'm so sad about his passing. If anyone of you could spare a bit to help his family with the donation box at reef2reef that was posted above I know his family will be so grateful! They don't know anything about this yet, but when the donations close and the money is sent to them I'm going to refer his wife to here and reef2reef so she can see how many people truly care.
Thanks for posting this up here! Danny was one of the first people here locally that i bought corals from and we became the best of friends. He would have been a great asset to your community up there, I'm so sad about his passing. If anyone of you could spare a bit to help his family with the donation box at reef2reef that was posted above I know his family will be so grateful! They don't know anything about this yet, but when the donations close and the money is sent to them I'm going to refer his wife to here and reef2reef so she can see how many people truly care.

For those who aren't aware, Badger126 (Brock) is the friend who is taking care of Danny's tank livestock, which was spoke of in Danny's introduction thread, awhile back, while Danny and his wife moved from Idaho to Washington. Brock, thank you so much for posting here and for what you're doing to help Danny's family and loved ones. I'm sure this must be a very difficult time for you, being a close family friend. Please let Danny's family know that there are a whole lot of people praying for them, and keeping them in our thoughts!

Part of belonging to such as a great community, such as Reef Frontiers, or R2R, is helping families through tragedy and sorrow, when the need arises. Today, the need is definitely there.
Anyone located near Spanaway please meet up with me so I can donate to the family due to me not having a paypal and I would love to help.
I already chimed in here, but had to again. It is un-real how much what has happened here has upset me. :( Having two children of my own now, life has taken a whole new meaning. Some days I actually get depressed and sick to my stomach when my mind wonders and I start thinking about either something happening to one of my kids or to one of us (my wife or myself). They would be devastated!! My heart really goes out to his family as I can only imagine what they are going through. They have been in my thoughts and prayers ever since reading this...
Krish, I know exactly how you're feeling. I've been very emotional, since learning of this. Even though I never met Dan, in person, he was part of our "extended family." His loss is felt.

SPS Frag pack has been posted, here on our classified ads, as well as on R2R. Get 6 SPS and donate $100.00 to Danny's family!
Not sure how to find the frag pack I would like to get it and help out this family a bit more. I made a small donation already but I feel like I should be doing more. I know all to well the burden of finances when there is a loss of a loved one. I lost my 13.5 year old son almost 3 years ago in a horrible boating accident in Idaho. The impact both emotionally and financially this will have on their family is massive and never ending. My thoughts and prayers are with this family.
I read about it this morning. I feel horrible for the family that was left behind. I wish them well, and feel very bad that another baby will be brought up without a dad.
It's a very sad situation. We, as hobbyists, can all be part of an extended family. So far, there's been a lot of support, for Danny's family, from a lot of different forums. As of the last update, we hobbyists have donated over $3000.00, to Danny's family. There's some cool auctions getting ready to take place, as benefits, as well.

I ended up making two frag packs, instead of just the one I posted about earlier. Both have sold, with all proceeds going to Danny's family. Let's keep up the love folks! This is a terrible tragedy, yes. However, I've been shown, not for the first time, what our community, here on Reef Frontiers, and other related forums are capable of, when it comes to supporting one of our families! Thank you all for your support, prayers and well wishes. I know Danny's family will feel our love!