Operation Young Reef, 16 year old's 75 Gallon Build Log

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I have used shims for over three years. They make a world of difference. And hey you my carpet does not stink! ? I hope
I used plexiglass and it worked like a charm, but that problem is solved.
But it's like an inch higher! I don't get get why they would put it so high and the water sprays out like a jet stream
Time for some picture updates! Well got everything moved over and added a cute little percula and a featherduster, along with 25+ crabs and about 15 turbo snails...I've got about 80-85 pounds of live rock plus 100 pounds of live sand and a little bit in the refugium along with some chaeto. Excuse the algae as it's in its early stages still










Looks good!
As for the durso I think what your talking about is the anti siphon for the return. Mine shoots a jet out and makes a lot of noise so I put a little sponge under it to quiet it down.

Keep the pics coming.
I'll get some new pics up after the algae bloom...but so far nothing has died and i'm real happy about that
I picked up a much larger clownfish and about 10 min after i put it in the tank the small one is trying to play catch up swimming behind/around it
I used Biospira and 35 pounds of LR and LS from my other tank so the levels never got bad. The worst I had was .25 nitrite and 10 nitrate