ORA names and Species Identification

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May 16, 2006
Spokane, Washington, United States
I thought I'd start this thread for those of us who are interested in species identification. ORA has some outstanding corals available, and some with great and imaginative names. I just wish they'd list the species, when they know it. Some, they do, most, they don't...lol. Sooo, I figured I'd start this thread, in the hopes of getting some species names to go with those great ORA titles.

I have several ORA corals, and am pretty sure I recently IDd one of my recent purchases.

ORA Red Planet. I believe this to be a tabling acropora hyacinthus.

ORA Chips may be an Acropora horrida.

Also, here's a list I stumbled upon that is a few years old, but does come from ORA. Not all are named, to the species level, but some are.
Green Bali Slimer - Acropora yongei
Blue-tip Staghorn - Acropora formosa
Nathan's Green Millepora - Acropora millepora
Blue Millepora - Acropora millepora
Rose Millepora - Acropora millepora
Scripps Pink Millepora - Acropora millepora
Chip's Acropora - Acropora sp.
Fuzzy Staghorn - Acropora abrolhosensis.
Indo Purple-tip Staghorn - Acropora sp.
Miami Orchid Staghorn - Acroipora sp.
Tri-color Valida Staghorn - Acropora valida
Purple Tri-color Staghorn - Acropora nana
Blue Tort Staghorn - Acropora tortuosa
Purple-tip Bottlebrush - Acropora sp.
Purple Pillow Coral - Acropora sp.
Stuber Staghorn - Acropora sp.
Turquoise Staghorn - Acropora sp.
Delicate Staghorn - Acropora sp.
Red Sea Green Staghorn - Acropora sp.
Scripps Green tip Staghorn - Acropora micropthalama
Fiji Purple-tip Staghorn - Acropora sp.
Blue Tenuis - Acropora sp.

German Blue-polyp digitata - Montipora digitata
Green digitata - Montipora digitata
Grape digitata - Montipora digitata
Orange digitata - Montipora digitata
Super Purple digitata - Montipora digitata
Sunset digitata - Montipora digitata
Elkhorn Montipora - Montipora hirusuta
Orange Capricornis - Montipora capricornis
Purple Capricornis - Montipora capricornis

Green damicornis - Pocillopora damicornis
Pink damicornis - Pocillopora damicornis

Pink Bird's Nest - Seriatopora hystrix
Green Bird's Nest - Seriatopora guttatus

Pink Stylophora - Stylophora pistillata
Green Stylophora - Stylophora pistillata
We have had this discussion:D:D:D:D

When you figure out the pearlberry and the verde, give me a jingle. I still have not heard from ORA regarding their naming of these corals, and I doubt I ever will. They are probably to hung up trying to go to ice cream shops to get names for these things.
LOL Yes, Charlie, our discussion is some of what led to this post. I've read a few threads about people trying to contact ORA and it seems to be a pretty difficult thing to do. I think they have very minimal staffing and their priority is to retailers. I'll keep looking for species names!!
LOL, nice one Charlie

We have had this discussion:D:D:D:D

When you figure out the pearlberry and the verde, give me a jingle. I still have not heard from ORA regarding their naming of these corals, and I doubt I ever will. They are probably to hung up trying to go to ice cream shops to get names for these things.
When you figure out the pearlberry and the verde, give me a jingle.

Hey Charlie, Pearlberry = PRETTY CORAL! LOL!!!! ;)

I chopped the tops off mine in order to try and simulate vertical growth, this thing is just encrusting everything it touches, but no real vertical yet.

Thats Joe's coral.... lol i love this coral and the Borialis? Wish i knew what they were, but till then i will just enjoy looking at them..... Great job Sid!
A lot of the corals are named after employees...lol. Joe is one of those. Their "Coral of the Month," a few months ago, was a Monti cap named after one of their employees who recently died, Brett. Brett was one of their clam farmers, on Marshall Island. Some of the proceeds of that particular coral went to Brett's family, who are teachers on Marshall Island. The Borealis was actually named after the Aurora Borealis. Somewhere on their website, they explain that one...lol. Mike, I'm still working on getting some actual species names for more of the ORA. Getting closer to nailing some of them down.
haha - not to hijack or anything... but - who's ready to go halfsies on a greenhouse and some plastic bins so we can start our own coral naming organization :badgrin:

Let's call it CNA (Creatively Named Acros) - I'm sure there's room for some purple periwinkle acros out there on the market

We could set an industry standard and also let people indulge their nerd with the scientific names of things even!

Wish I was good at ID'ing corals so I could have something more advantageous to add to the thread :eek: