Orangeback Basslet anyone????

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Med Student Reefer
Oct 7, 2005
Yakima, WA
Hey, Im considering adding this fish to my tank (after the powerouttages, I get to aquire some more fish, so I might as well find some new ones!). Anyone have any experiance with these guys? Personality? Habits? Behavior? Territorial? Peaceful?

Here's a link to where I am going to order it from.

Orangeback Basslet (Serranus annularis)

Have one...pretty cool fish. They (atleast mine) just kind of lurk around the base of the rocks only coming into the water colum to feed. They do have cool patterns though:)

good luck

Ya, they look beautiful! so it sounds like they are somewhat docile fish.... which is great, because that's exactly what im looking for. What do you feed it?
Very peaceful fish that can be added as one or a small grouping/pair. They are primarily carnivores but still need some veggie matter in their food for "rounded" nutrition. Don't forget vitamin and HUFA supplements as well.

What fish do you currently have?
What else do you plan on adding?
How large is the tank?
Its going to be one of the sole occupants of my 20L tank. As a college student, the size of my tank is really limited by my budget, so for now, im stuck with a 20L. ;) Currently the only other thing in my tank fishwise is my White Ribbon Eel (which is not piscivorous in any way).... I am not worried at all about the Eel chasing the basslet, moreso the other way around.

I will probably keep them as the only two habitants for the time being, with possibly adding a clownfish down the road a ways. The fish should be here Wed, so Ill keep everyone posted if they would like to hear about it.
I would actually just stick with the eel for now until you are able to upgrade to a larger system. To house just this eel comfortably you should be at double the current tank volume. Adding other waste producers will change how well the eel is doing currently. Even though they do have a penchant for crustacea, fish can still be injured in a cramped setting. I would hate to see you lose such a healthy (?) animal.
yup, read that article about a hundred times before I bought the eel. I had been keeping the eel comfortably (as well as I can tell) with two clown fish and a rainfords goby before the powerouttages crashed the tank. Currently, my eel is about 20-23 inches, so its not fully grown, and Im hoping by the time it grows significantly bigger, I will have a tank that can support its size. I believe that the setup its in right now is perfect for it, As the footprint of the tank is longer than a 30 gallon tank.

The animal is healthier than I remember it being in the fish store (it has thickened up a bit, filling out instead of looking so skinny), so I think Im doing alright with it. (my priority is the health of the fish, so if I ever think its not doing good, I will take immediate action to rectify the situation).

I will be adding the basslet, but you can be sure that I will be monitoring it closely to look for adverse effects to either fish. If it doesnt work out, it doesnt work out..... but if it does, that much more the better.
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