ouch ouch and more ouch

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flea whisperer
Oct 5, 2004
Robacha got spayed 3 weeks ago and well she's been having this lump right by the incision(she's extremely hyper), the vet said that we had to keep her down and calm, no walks, no running, no jumping :rolleyes: ......pffff, so anyways, she's been going insane and i'm going insane .......wait....i'm already insane :lol:...well a little bit more :D.
This morning i was trying to pet her (i gave her a bath 2 days ago and she looks very fluffy and hugable) but all of a sudden she started showing me teeth, growling and just trying to bite :eek::(, so i say to her no, looking all serious and mad and then all of a sudden she tries doing quick snaps at my hand :eek:(man it hurts:doubt:), so i just went and put her in time out, the lump it's getting hard and i believe smaller, but her attitude is getting out of hand....i wish this lump thingy would be gone so i can have her back into her regular schedual :doubt::cry:
If I were you, I would take her back to the vet to have this looked at. Sometimes dogs can develop a hernia at the spay site. It could also be a fluid filled sac or possibly even some sort of infection. For a dog to show teeth and try to bite their owner, there is something seriously bothering them. Dogs are very good at hiding their pain and discomfort, so this should be a warning sign to the possibility of an underlying issue. I hope there were no stitches still in at the time of the bath. Anyway JMO. Good luck
When you had her stitches removed did her incision get examined? Did she rip roar run around too soon after the spay? It definately sounds like something is bothering her.

I know when my mastiff was spayed (even my great dane years ago) they both had little bumps from the inner layer of stitches (under the outer skin stitches). These eventually went away, but you could feel the bumps under there for a bit.

If it were my dog, then I would go to the veterinarian and have her looked at. If her incision wasn't examined when her sutures were removed, then I would be afraid her running around did something that needs to be looked at. I know it is difficult to get hyper dogs to stay calm. You can try to stuff kongs full of peanut butter or EZ Cheese and freeze them. This gives the dog something to chew and work on, which will help ease pent up energy.

Keep us posted!
I agree with the comments above, she needs to go back to the vet. She's in real pain otherwise I don't think she'd be snapping at you.
Okay Gabs this could be nothing but........when i took robachas mom to get spayed she developed the same lump by the incision. It went away after a week but she never did the nipping/snapping thing.
she got her insicion examined and they said that it was good and that she only has a little infection from where the poop comes out :p, so they gave her antibiotics and they told me that the lump is just a fluid sack and that if it keeps getting bigger and bigger, then we need to take her back but in these few days, it's been getting smaller and smaller, but we'll take her back so she can get checked again because before the lump was soft, now it's all hard and tiny.
Today she's been at her worse :( , she tried biting me 3 times and everytime i'd try to grab her, she'd just run away :doubt::rolleyes:, Nikki i tried the kongs with the frozen peanut butter and she just licks them a little bit and that's about it...she'll just go into hyper mood.
I'll see what the vet says about this because this is getting way out of hand :(
We had the same thing happen to our cat, a lump developed where the incision was so we took her back and they put her on antibiotics for a while and it finally went a way. I don't remeber if they said it was a hernia or just some kind of infection, either way it wasnt suppose to be there. :) She also had to wear the lamp shade for about 10 days longer than normal :(
Scarring under a surgery site is normal...scar tissue does build up sometimes. If your dog has a fever thats a clear indicator of infection....also tender redness growing around the incision area is something to keep an eye on.

I see the vet visit verified it...

The bites are a concern...and maybe finding an effective way to communicate to the dog that that behavior is a big NO... Took me a bit with my Jack Russell to teach her NEVER snap at me when I got near her food.... I simply took it away and said NO....ignored her for 10 min and put the bowl back... ..now i can place my hand in her food and she wont growl or anything...

still being in pain and grumpy doesn't help...lets hope the behavior isn't permanent.. or its discipline training all over again.
she's good with my husband and with my 2 year old, her agression is only towards my 5 year old (when he's teasing her by acting hyper), she'll go for his feet, and with me... she's been getting playful agressive where she'll try biting me and then run :rolleyes:, she used to do it before but after the spay it's been worse:shock: like now she really really wants to hurt me:(....hopefully her mood will change soon .
That is a bummer about the biting. Too bad the Dog Whisperer can't come over. I think he's terrific. Maybe he has a book or something?
i'm almost done reading Cesar's book ...so far i like it .

ohhh dood, i showed her who's the boss around this joint :D, even though i didn't like doing it, i sprayed her with a bottle water a couple of times and yelled NO BITE !! .......because she was getting out of hand :eek: and trust me...she's never done it again :badgrin::lol:.
I am trying to keep up with the dog whisperer schedual....i walk her in the mornings for 1 hour and then in the afternoon for 30 mins .
I also got a long long training leash :lol: because the princess likes to run away and doesn't listen when i tell her to come......the other day she almost got hit by a car :shock:, SO now i let her run with the long leash around the front yard and when i say come, she better come or no hot dog treats. :p, so far so good but she's definetly one stuburn dog (to the extreme sometimes :lol:)...now if i could just get her to stop jumping on people and stealing food then i'd be even more happy :p:lol:.
Overall she's a work in progress and she's helping me loose weight :p:lol:
I am so glad you are taking control sounds like you have a dog who wants to be the Alpha dog of your pack (you, your family and her) and it is important that you do not let that happen. It sounds like you are on the right track, it will be a lot of work at first and then will probably require a refresher from time to time. I had a rottweiler like that at one time and I spent countless hours convincing her I was the boss and until the day she passed I kept having to reinforce that I was the boss. With her the big thing was food. She did not like anyone around when she had food and I constantly had to show her that it was my right to take away her food and she could only eat when I allowed it. It paid off big time one day when she found a bone somewhere and some friends were over and their two year old ran up and took the bone from her (scared me to death, but she allowed this toddler to take the bone out of her mouth without so much as a growl, I was amazed).

As far as the jumping on people goes, what I have found that seems to work well is putting up your knee as she jumps and let her run into it. If you have some willing friends it helps as she needs the reinforcement not only from you but from people outside your pack. My daughter has a year old mastiff/lab cross that had this jumping issue, they had him broke of doing it to them, but had the problem with guest. One day I got perfect timing on raising the knee as he came barreling at me and jumped up (this dog is a moose and definitely not something you want coming at you at full run intending to jump up) I raised my knee, he jumped up and came full force against the knee and you could hear the breath knocked out of him, he has not jumped on anybody since that day! He now does this silly start to jump and twist away move when he is really excited, it is funny to see, it is as if he remembers the knee about 1/4 a way into jumping up and twists away to avoid it.

As far as stealing food, make sure you are not giving her any bites of people food, especially when you all are eating, and no doggy snacks at this time either, ideally she should go lay down during dinner time. As you become the boss your voice commands will mean more to her and a sharp no will become her most dreaded reaction to her behavior. This can be a tough one to beat because they learn when you are not watching. Our chocolate lab that we adopted at 8 months old came with this habit and it was horrible to have him around at a BBQ, turn your back and your steak was gone. But we kept working with him and now you could put a raw steak in front of him and tell him no, leave it, and he will just stare and drool!

I am so happy that you are making progress, dominant dogs can be tough to train but it is definitely possible and teaching them that you are the alpha and always will be is key to success.
yeah.. we're definetly making progress , it only took a couple of sprays but it worked.
the way our family was for her was ........husband (alpha), Olivia(yeah my 2 year old had more power over her than me:lol:), my 5 year old (if someone yelled at him..Robacha would put herself infront of him and start growling, barking and jumping:rolleyes:)...then last but not least......ME :lol::p!!!
The whole stealing food at the begging we thought it was cute :p, but once she stole a Huge steak that my brother in law made and started running around the house with it :lol::lol:.....then it was not funny anymore (ok it was because i hate him..but i'm taking care of the stealing problem:oops::p).
the jumping, i agree it's a hard one to break:rolleyes:...but she's getting better.
ohh yeah and did i say squirrels are my worst enemys :rolleyes::lol:, i don't know what everyone does but i make her sit down and i wait until she calms down, so we can keep walking...am i doing it right? or are there any other ways?