Overflow and Pumps

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MMORPG Addict!
Mar 13, 2008
I forgot to ask this recently...

When looking for an overflow and pump for the sump....

Is there a GPH rating on sumps and I am guessing the pump needs to match that GPH...

or is there some other way to match up the two pieces as I search for parts in the purchase part of forums.
Overflows do have specific ratings and you want your return pump to be rated at that or below, after head loss. If your return pump is rated above your overflow, you need to restrict your return flow in some manner, so the overflow can keep up with it.
As far as I know, the sump, itself, won't have a GPH rating, though your skimmer might. If so, you want to match your skimmer's gph rating.
Once your return pump doesn't produce more flow than your overflow can handle, then you will be fine. Find a pump/overflow combo that matches your ideal flow rate and you are good. Your overflow will never drain more water than what is pumped into it.
Thanks... my common sense does kick in sometimes...I figured as much... thanks for verifying....

Now to research on what to buy next month.
Now to the SECOND part of this question.

Two Sumps Two differ questions now:

Sump 1: (72 gallon bow front tank) oceanic systems model 1 sump. Coral Life skimmer 220 rated. What GPH Overflow recommended? What Pumps do you suggest?

Sump 2: (55 gallon tank) 10 gallon spare fish tank modified to be a sump .... I want to attach my CPR HOB Refugeium to it. And cutt out the return on the CPR to allow more water to flow out faster..(should I even Cut it or is the hole in it perfectly big enough?)....

After attaching that HOB Ref.... I will be putting in another 220 rated Coral Life Venturi Skimmer .... What rated Overflow on tank needed? What rated Pump and models should I purchase?

NOTE** Keep in mind I will be having the Overflow ..flow down into the CPR HOB Refugeium first...then the CPR will flow into the 10 gallon tank second...from there back to the tank.
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To make it simple and to save money I incorporated the refugium into the sump. I have done this with my small tank and my large tank. The attached picture shows the large tank but the principle is the same. Water enters one side of the sump/fuge flow to the other and back to the display. Very simple. You just need to make sure the sump has enough space to hold any water that drains from the main tank into the sump during a power outage. If you don't already know: Length of the display times the width times the height of the water. (From the top of the tank to the bottom of your overflow slots) Then divide that by 231. That will give you total gallons that will end up in the sump. Although the picture shows everything external my 20 gallon long sump has a hang on Remora Skimmer and an internal return pump....