overflow question

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Jul 8, 2008
so i got the utube syphon overflow for my sump...basically every week or two i have to restart the syphon due to bubbles collecting in the utubes.

i know there is a method of drilling and putting tubing in there but im not sure what size hole i should make/how to keep tubing in there.
U-tube's if primed properly should never lose siphon. Even if the pump is shut off and re-started you shouldn't have an issue.
If you have bubbles collecting in the U-tube, you don't have enough flow going through the tube to force the air out.

I have a u-tube over flow and have had it for several years. I have never had a problem with the siphon breaking.
hmm ill undo my ball valve a little and see if everything is ok, im not sure if my overflow can handle much more with the stockman standpipe...
Just a question, but do you have the U-tube in properly and not backwards as one end is longer than the other?
the utube is in properly, i just cannot figure out how to keep microbubbles from building up in the top of the tube...

i usually have to reprime every 7-10 days which isnt too bad but still i would like to do it never!

so what is the way to fix this? my overflow cannot handle anymore flow i opened the ball\ valve slightly and it slowly will overflow my display. i aimed koralia 3's so any bubbles from the return get blown towards the front and pop which has helped about 50%, but not fixed completely...
Gorfz, I have the same problem and I don't think mine is due to too little flow. I originally had 1 u tube and added a second, while increasing the size of my return pump. This greatly reduced the priming problem. I don't have to prime mine every week but it's often enough. I've just purchased a CPR overflow and will be installing it today. I just need to get an aqualifter pump to add to it now. As far as I know, an aqualifter can be used in the same manner with U tubes. I'm not sure of the exact procedure but I believe it involves drilling a hole, siliconing tubing and hooking the tubing to the aqualifter pump. Each U tube should handle 600 gph. I've ran mine for 2 years with only 1 major problem. That was recently when a snail made it's way all the way through and down into the drain hose where it plugged!! I was woke up recently by Angie to "The 75 is flooding!!!" Dang Turbo snail. Hence my decision to change over to the CPR Overflow.