Painting PVC Black

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Depending on how much you need to paint, you could just cover the pieces with black ABS adhesive. Once cured, it will be totally inert. And won't flake off.
Black ABS adhesive? Is that like PVC glue for ABS? I've just got two 2" 90 degree elbows that I'd like to mask. Thanks Dave!
Hi Paul,
How's the tank coming along? Thanks for letting me tag along and learn a bit yesterday.

As for the painting the PVC the guys at SW City told me a year ago that I could paint my spray bar so that it wouldn't be so obvious and I did. They suggested using a Krylon paint so I did. It worked great. I let it dry for a couple of days before installing it and it looked great. I am going to do the same with my new 180 spray bar too. Hope this helps.
Good luck.

I've had couple of return elbows painted black in my tank for over a year and it seems fine. I let mine cure for several weeks before I put them in the tank. You bet you have almost a full can of black spray paint lying around that should work well. :)
I know there's a new spray paint out called "fusion" I think. I'm not sure who makes it. Krylon maybe? Anyway, it's made for plastics and supposedly bonds with the plastic.
Why cant you just use Plumbing pipe.

Why cant you just use Plumbing pipe?? It's black?? You can find it at lowe's or Home Depot.

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