Panic!!!!!!!!! Help....

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Jul 1, 2006
Get home from work today; we have a dead bangai cardinal; 2 dead firegobies; one dead pink seacucumber; and one dead foxface.

Nothing in the tank looks good. Tested the water; PH is high (8.6); nitrite's ok; nitrate's a little high (15-20); been higher in the past and no problems; calc is 400 and alk is normal. Salinity is good. Water temp is the same and normal.

The skimmer is working overtime like crazy though. I can't figure out what's wrong.

Any ideas?
What about ammonia levels? Is your water cloudy? The dead livestock is what is causing your skimmer to go crazy.
What about ammonia levels? Is your water cloudy? The dead livestock is what is causing your skimmer to go crazy.

I feel like an idiot, but I've never checked ammonia levels.... crap!
Now just found the coral beauty - she's dead too. Hubby just took out the sea cucumber; he's been dead a long time (that's likely what's causing all this right????????)


sorry - I'm so upset. Can't find the yellow wrasse anywhere. Only two live fish are two clown fish (originals from 3 years ago); tough little guys!
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might be cuke nuke. Many things die and release toxons.
Step 1, change 30 percent of the water.
Step 2, put a large bag of carbom 3-4 cups in a media bag and put it on your return pump intake.

Sorry about the losses
Are you dosing Kalkwasser? This sounds symptomatic of a Kalk OD.. (Cloudy water and elevated PH)

Water Change with balanced temperature mixed water and Carbon!
She didn't say her water was cloudy. Tike asked if it was. Also her alk and calcium reading would be a "bit" different.
water is not cloudy; working on putting carb bag in as suggested; I"m on it now. thanks. note: when I look at the top level of the water from the front of the tank, it looks like there's an oily film on the top layer....... cuke nuke???

appreciate your help; will pick up an ammonia tester tomorrow
Only film is all the dissolved organic material that gets released when something dies. Do they heavy water change 30-40 percent its your best shot at keeping your other animals alive. RO water, same specific gravity, and same temp. Carbon alone is insufficient. Keep your skimmer going it will help. But most importantly, water change.
quick question - we don't have salt water ready that's been sitting a day or two; is it safe to prepare salt water now and do a water change tonight or are we best to wait and do water change tomorrow. THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR HELP.... you have no idea how great it is to have this immediate help (my main source of help is not available as we speak); just appreciate this, Monique and Paul
Do the change now. Ammonia and nitrates that are in your water now are toxic. That is the worst part about the hobby, problems have a cascading affect. You'll keep losing stuff. keep doing water changes until you retest and the nitrates read zero.

You are very welcome, Monique and Paul.
I wouldn't wait on the water change, while mixing for a few days is best, it is not critical (I used to mix for 20 min and use before I learned better). I would double check the ph of the newly mixed saltwater before using and buffer as needed to match tank. Don't want the survivors to have to deal with a ph swing.
Did all that and water change; clown fish won't eat, but they're looking ok. the corals are starting to look better already - just hope we save the clam!!! will keep you posted tomorrow

thanks again
24 hours later; the tank is looking much better already; corals are looking better; clam seems good one of the wrasse actually popped out from under the bed - 8 dead fish and one good lesson later, our spirits are better.

Thanks again for your help; more water changes to follow - we know we're not off the hook yet.
"Affirmative! water changes and carbon.... immed! "

i 2nd that,
It was probably your sea cucumber...when they die they often release toxins and take everything else in the tank with lots of water changes and run carbon