parameters out

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Jan 31, 2007
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I came home tonight from a week of holidays to much of my sps stessed and not looking to good, as well about 5 or 6 pieces, mostly frags, went RTN. I checked my parameters and things were a bit off but not as serious as I thought they would be with how things looked.
SG - .0125
PH - 8.1
Cal - 400
Alk - 5 dkh
I haven't tested my magnesium yet but I supect it is in the 1200 range. Would having my alk a couple of points low cause this drastic of an effect? I usually have my Ca 440 & Alk 7.5 - 8.
Any input on this would be very helpful.
Hi Greg,
I am assuming your SPG is 1.025 :) Your listed numbers are well within range for keeping SPS corals. I would suspect a temperature spike or some other condition other than what you listed.

PS: I hate that when I come home to something like that when there's no apparent reason :( At least when you know the problem it gives you something to jump in and fix.
Yes I do mean SPG 1.025 and my chiller keeps the temp at 80F and is working so it's unlikely a temp spike. I am not sure what other conditions could contribute? I have nudged my Alk back up so here's hoping things smarten up.
I had the same thing happen in my tank. 5 of my sps RTN'ed, all within 2 days. COuld not find anything wrong with the parameters.So I just did a water change. Snappy, did you check if you have any dirty filter materials that could be causing a nitrate spike?
I feel sorry for you man....i really liked the photos you posted....mind if I asked which ones RTN'ed ?
mind if I asked which ones RTN'ed ?
I had several really nice frags including a really fancy tri-colour & bubble gum. For colonies I lost A loisetteae, A microphthalma, A.Suharsonoi, so altogether I lost a total of 8; 3 colonies and 5 good sized established frags. I have lost a lot of colour as well, most stuff is bleaching or browned out and several are showing a lot of STN. Whenever I think it is going really well something like this happens and I spend the next 3 months in recovery mode with an ugly reef.:mad:
That is why, whenever anyone comments on my sps's, even me...i knock on the wood...3 me superstitious.....feel bad for u mate...I really liked you tri-color!!
I am due for a bulb change but I doubt that is the cause. They are about 10 months old.

I never got a picture of the tri-colour that died but in my opinion it would have been nicer than the one you saw in my pictures.
I hope your tank bounces back soon! I would perform a large (25%) water change and another one in a week IMHO.
