parenting advice 101

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Thank you so much everyone :) .
I'm always up for anything ( to bad i can't do the tabasco sauce :D ), I tried putting him in the "notty chair" for time outs and it's like he doesn't mind waiting for 2 minutes everytime (i think he takes it as a break).
Today it was one of those days where Antonio pushed a kid about his age and the father yelled at me like there was no tomorrow ... so i don't wanna go through that again!!.
I took him out of the playground right away(me in tears of course :p because it was the first time i got yelled at and i felt like the worst parent in the world), and he cried, seriously sometimes i get so desperate.
The thing about him is that he doesn't have a favorite toy, would the t.v. do it? ... may be no more Dora/ Diego and wonder pets?.
I have tried spanking him, but i don't wanna make it as the only solution even though sometimes it works :p.
i try talking to him, but he points at me and yells at me back... or says his now favorite word stupid :mad: and he doesn't wanna listen.
We don't even go to restaurants anymore because we know he starts screaming or doesn't wanna listen :( .
Krish, hehe you can do that in Mexico too :D, but i don't wanna deal with Child services here .
Seriously Thank you so much everyone because sometimes i feel like i'm going coo coo hmm.. wait a minute i'm already coo coo :D .
Krish, what are the next numbers for the lotto??? please :lol:
Colleen, it's really really amazing that you adopted kids... do you want mine :D ? it comes with free bed and potty .
no but seriously, that's very very not only kind, amazing but awesome .
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I am no parent and don't plan to be for awhile. But I will offer what has been done to me, and I was quite the defiant child when I was younger. Try taking away certain privillege maybe. I was brought up being spanked and I don't nessarily beleive in it now, but for me it never really hurt but it was the fear about being spanked that scared the crap out of me. After a certain age though my parents started taking away prvilleges instead, like no TV, no video games. I do not know how applicable this is at his age but it is something to consider.
My kids could care less if I took anything away. They had enough other crap it didn't matter. It always worked to just say we're going to x y or z if you a b AND c... :)
Well here is how I handle things. I am not a parent, I have no real experince. I will say that growing up, I recieved beatings, not spankings, and basicly insane psychological abuse from my Dad. So I do not do what he did. Luckily for me I have learned ways not to continue it on into the next generation.
So this is how it works here.
If Trinity does something that I think is dangerous to her health, saftey, or the health or saftey of others she gets three swats on her butt, not real hard but she knows its happening, and put to bed. It immediately results in her crying because I did it. Not because she is hurt.
If she is being whiney, mean, or defiant, she gets time out. I do ten minutes. I know that is longer than most child books say for a three year old, but I think most of them are freaking off thier rockers, and are responsible for a generation of children who kill other people, and expect no real consequences.
Fighting over the t.v. or colors or other toys, means no whatever it is for the rest of the day.
If she doesnt eat dinner, no snacks that night or the next day. (This is biggy, cause she loves her desserts, and the fruit snacks)
I always get her at least some small toy when we go to the store, if she is bad I will put it back. VERY rarely so far have I had to do that.
She cries alot over her Mom, that there is nothing I can do but try to comfort her. When she does come to visit, very rarely now, when she leaves, Trin throws herself in the floor and has a fit, I have tried to hold her then but she just kicks, and throws herself back and goes crazy, so basicly I just have to put her on the carpet and let her go at it.
I told her the Sunday that she either needs to come over twice a week and call her everyday, or just stay the f#$% out of her life. I was pissed, I am still pissed. So far she hasnt called or came by. So there is that. I am trying my best to do the next right thing. Its hard. I dont know how single mothers with normal jobs do it. I am just lucky to be able to do what I do, and have what I have. I feel like I am absolutely blessed with my life, I try very hard to do the right thing, but I still fail all the time.
I'm not saying my way is best, its just what works for me. Trinity has always since 4 months after she was concieved lived here, with me. I have been consistent with the way I treat her, and she knows what to expect from me. I tell her everyday that I love her, and she is smart, and beautiful. I make sure she knows I love her no matter what. That I believe gives kids confidence to make mistakes. And the knowledge that they are safe.
I know that my way works with Trin, because when she wants to go see her Mom, or Grandma, she says I wanna go to Grandmas, or I wanna go see my Mommy, but when she gets there, she makes Grandma call me, and tells me she wants to come Home, not her house, not my house, but Home. When she is hurt she calls for me. And when she does something good, she has to show it to me.
Thats just as good as it gets. Life could not get any better.
I will shut my mouth now.
Steve...You're a good man. I think you are doing a great job with Trini and the simple fact that whenever she does something good she wants to show you means (to me) that she appreciates your approval and praise and the simple fact she calls out for you when she is hurt, must mean you make her feel loved and secure and that right there tells you alot about how well you are doing being a Dad to Trini. Keep up the good work man:)
I have 4 children 1 is now on her own and my other 3 are 12,13 and 14.when the three grouped together were young that was realy hard because of them all being so close. some times it was funny because once one tried something and they saw that it did not work the next one would try something else and so on to get what they wanted. When a child throws himself or herself on the floor they are pushing your buttons to make you upset enough to get what they want. Most of the time people give in because they do not want to hear or see their child like that Or they just want them to stop.. Ignore them do not let them see it bothers you. If they call you names tell them it is sad you feel that way and go about your buisness. I agree with everyone else who said take things away and do not give them back untill the behaviour stops or they have earned it. including tv. I do not believe in spanking a child who him or herslf you are trying or telling to stop pushing or hitting someone else. you are doing the same thing to them you are telling them not to do. I think steve said a light spank to some kids once in a while is good. you are not doing it to physically hurt them. it is not how hard you spank them but the action itself. It makes them think that they realy did something wrong. let them know that they are not bad but the action that they did was. hope this helps gabs. these are of course my views and should in no way interfere or be mis construed with the child raising manual that was distributed with each and everyone of your children.
Thank you so much everyone, you don't know how much this means to me !! :) .
Sometimes it breaks my heart because i don't wanna punish but i know i have to.
Today in the morning he tried talking back to me and i just didn't let him watch his show which he cried and begged for.
After a while he just sat down and got quiet for a while like if he was thinking about what he did which i couldn't believe because he never sits .
I agree spanking is not a good thing, my grandma used to spank me for everything (kind of like you Steve) and not only with a hand but with whatever was around and i seriously don't wanna do that with Antonio unless he's 17 and trying to beat me up... then we seriously have a problem :p:D .
Steve, i think you're doing an awesome job dood !!! it must be hard to work and take care of a little one and i'm always amazed by people that do that, just because it's double the challenge... so thumbs up for you dood.
Steve 2 :D(sryder) ... dood 4 children !!! what were you thinking dood.
you deserve an award :D :lol:
Steve 2 (sryder) ... dood 4 children !!! what were you thinking dood.
you deserve an award

...Or BC(LOL)

Gabbs...You will do well. Hopefully with this other one on the way, you will be better equipped to deal with things because it won't all be new to you anymore. I wish you all the best:)
Well Great thread gaby.....Jadyn has beena great kid for me and sabrina.She will be turnng 7 on apr 8 .Im Like steve in a way my dad use to wup my a@#.All the time...For everything elbows on the dinner table wupin.....Cut the grass halfa@#.Guess what A@# wupin.But he tought me great morals in life .To respect your fellow man and you will recieve respect in return .To respect your elder's.To this day when a man or woman ask me a Question its Yes Sir ..No mam....I hated my dad sometimes for it but to this day.I don't believe I would be were i am now.If he didn't teach me to be a honest person and to help some one when there down.But the Younger generations growing in society today are alot for us parents to handle.So stay srong gaby..You sound like your a great mom..:).....As far as the way I raise Jadyn is all the good thing's my dad tought me from playing catch to table manor's.And none of the spanking's .But I had to establish fear in her.By Letting her Know that IM her father and she will respect my rule's.I've only had to spank her once for it to break her heart and mine.But I had to be PARENT not a FREIND..And walk away .And make myself not go say im sorry..But it worked and know if i raise my voice she jump's....She is a great student ,And a great child .I feel so lucky the way everything worked out how it did.Until........... I have to start dealing wiyh boyfreinds Good lck GABY..
Thanks bears dood :) .
you have a very cute girl and i'm sure she's an angel.
I decided to start this thread because seriously you people are the only ones i talk to every day and i know some have already grown up kids and some went or are dealing with things like me, so since most of you have been there, i'm sure you can share the experience.

Gabbs...You will do well. Hopefully with this other one on the way, you will be better equipped to deal with things because it won't all be new to you anymore. I wish you all the best

Thanks dood, now cross your fingers and knock on wood that the next kid will be like Antonio :) or i'll be going coo coo :D.
consistency is the key! if two parents are involved both need to be consistent in the same way. kids learn early who to go to for what they want, VERY early! look for a workbook called LOVE AND LOGIC very BIBLICAL and very relevant and useful! do a word search for "the rod of correction" in the BIBLE. one key is the rod (in todays language that would be a paddle of some type) not the hand. using your hand can teach your kids to be afraid of you. you want respect-not fear. GOD be with you and your efforts and no more preaching from me unless you request it. IMO quality time with your kids is more important than than any material thing you can give them. there will be plenty of time when they are grown to work more or whatever and you will never regret the time you had with your kids! this is experience talking, and i didnt do it that well!
I know im late but here is mine...

I came and grew at a place where spanking and physica discipline is a norm. And I have two girls. I am so glad that when we came here to this country my daughters are already 10 and 5.

I believe that the first 5 years of the kid is the most critical. I consider these as the foundation of your kids. So what is right and what is wrong must be taught on this very critical phase.

If you will discipline your kids. I suggest that you do it at home. You set the rules at home. So if you go out, there is no or less instance that you will need to discipline them outside of your home.

Explain to them why it is wrong. Make it short and direct to the point.

Dont baby them after you discipline them.

Leverage is the key here.... If you do this, you cannot do this for a week.
Examples are no TV, or no XBOX or whatever.

I dont agree with spanking, but it doesnt mean that I never did it with my kids. Make it your last resort. But if you are going to spank them, spank them once and make it sure that it is your last. Last because it is going to hurt them, I mean hurt them so much that it will serve as a lesson not to do it anymore. Dont spank them as if you are tapping them or just pretending that you are playing with them.

Also, the most important of all. Dont concentrate on the negative things your kids have done but instead REWARD them to the good thing that they have done and encourage them more to do good things.

Now six years later.... I have 16 and 11.... I am so lucky that they grew up the way I expected them to be...

Remember, you are in control and not them.
Another thing.
The first five years... if you cannot make them straight by then.... then you have a big problem ahead of you. You dont want to start spanking them when they are 10 or still spanking them when they are 16... :)

Its like a plant. Its a lot easier to guide them with stick when they are still young so they grow straight.

Why do you think they are acting this way? You need to know where the source is coming from... TV? oh yeah...TV... neighbors? school? at home?

Mos of the time, what you see from your kids is just a mere reflection of what they see.... so you need to know where is this coming from...
Ok, I'm not a parent, and I make efforts not to become one yet everyday :) When it happens though, the whole purpose of my life will be to raise the best kids I can. I'm also not going to do the more life threatening types of raceing while the kids dependent on my support.

Very interesting this child raiseing, and I think about this sort of thing everyday. Increadibly difficult and complex choices.

I think figureing out what the "right call" is while being a parent is extremely challenging. A powerful conflict of sheltering urges and obligation to dicipline them for mutual bennifit is a delicate and akward ballence to find.

Now, personally, I have little to no experience with anything beyond the childs point of view on situations. But perhaps I can provide help from this limited perspective.

When I was 2 (not a typo, 2 years old), I was an avid reader, as is my mother. We would read anything and everything imaginable together, she would read outloud to me when words and things that I wasnt able to read came up. I would ask her (if she didnt beat me to it) the defination of every word I didnt know, and she patiently would answer until my query was satisfied.

We had no TV. My parents forbid me even to play video games when I was at other kids houses. My parents had a 1:1 rule with me for books, for every fiction book I checked out, I had to check out one non-fiction. My parents were very poor (not currently the case :D) when I was in elementry school (my fathers father died trying to help save some people on a boat in the Columbia river and drown himself, this left the family bussiness in shambles). My dad would work about 14hrs a day, but when he was home, he would still go and work on projects with me in the garage every spare minute he got. I think that simply not haveing a TV to steal parents time away from there kids is REALLY important. We made pretty much anything we could dream up together, catapults (we told mom it was a pitching machine :)), go-karts, mini-bikes, go-kart engine builds, tree forts, chemistry experiments, pretty much anything that interested me he would somehow get the parts so we could build it together. He BUILT from scrap parts, my very own stick welder for me when I was in 2nd grade. That welder still works. Not having TV to suck out the spare time in life definately impacted me as a kid, and i hugely impacted my relationship and the level of respect I had for my parents.

I remember knowing a few things as a kid, one was that my mom and dad were the most awsome cool smartest people in the world. I also always knew that if I did something wrong, that I would really really regret it, even if it just meant my dad saying this dreaded phrase to me "Luke, I'm very dissapointed in your actions", or my mom saying my first and middle name ohh man, just typing it sends shivers of fear down my spine still and im 24. I would get spanked if I lied or disobeyed them, then I would get my little book case (the only thing in my room besides a bed) taken out and moved into the hall. Then I would be not allowed to leave my room (besides bathroom) or make any noise for however long they felt like I deserved. Always felt like all day, and it would give me hours to think about whatever I did that they didnt like.

Something that was really important I think was having my parents explain to me that I move my own arms and legs. They taught me that I have to CHOOSE to do, or to not do things. They never just said "dont do blah blah" they would say, "if you do blah blah, this is what happens as a result, and then explained to me why" then they would ask, "so, is that something want to do or not?" if it was something I aught not to do, and I said "yes", then they would say, "ok, you get the rest of the day in your room with no bookshelf to think over that decision". Though I was increadibly stubborn, I would generally tell them that I changed my mind before the end of the day was up. Once I had told them that I wouldnt do something, if I did it, it was lying to them, which was a very serious offense.

I never got my mouth washed out with soap, or tabasco'd (hehe, now I would love getting a free mouthfull of tabasco, I drink the stuff :)). I respected my parents more than anything in the world, and I really was terrified of what would happen if I disobeyed or lied to them, so as a general rule of thumb, I avoided that unless I thought it was absolutely nessicary, or thought I could get away with it without being caught :p

Church was also something we did every sunday that dad didnt have to work through. I wish they would have taught me about god 1 on 1 with the bible however, because I remember being turned off from churches from sunday school teachers and things never being able to supply answers for my questions. This caused me to secretly stop truely beliveing in god by about jr.high when I started thinking that science actually had most of the basic things in life figured out and explained.... I'm ashamed to admit it, but it took me 3 years of very advanced college before I actually realized the obvious about god again, which is of course that we are undoubtably created by him, and that he loves us. During that period inbetween, I found the flaws of the churches themselves, and the often corupt humans that operated them to be more evidence to me that god wasnt real. High level physics and science lead me back after it became quite clear that life and the universe was created by god, not any of the hokey-pokey BS that sounds beliveable to most typical non-high level science/physics folks. I think its crucial that you talk to your kids personally about god, and that its their personal and private relationship with him that matters, not just sitting in church on sunday.

Most of all, set a loving, respectful, consistant example with your own behavior.

I think the single biggest favor you can do a kid is to toss out the home TV set. Not just because it keeps him from watching the pointless crap on TV when they should be reading or building or drawing etc, but because I keeps YOU the parent from watching TV when you should be reading with, drawing with, cooking with, or whatever with your kid. You might think its too much to sacrifice your TV watching for the first few weeks, but after that, the people I have talked into doing it find they have never been less depressed and happy about life. They also find that they have time for all sorts of projects and hobbies that seemed impossible before. I used to think TV was ok if you only watched an occasional educational type show, but the reality is, books and the internet is a way better use of your time for learing things, and as a bonus, not all science books/articles are written with a retarded chimp in mind as the target audience, where as TV science shows tend to have that trend.

So, wow, I typed a whole bunch of stuff. I dont know what any of its worth to anyone since I'm not a parent, I pretty much just poured my soul out and roughly tried to stay on topic.

I hope something in that will be helpful to you, and I will try to stick to science related threads in the future. :)
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Well I have been reading along on this one and I think it is now my turn to jump in. After reading Luke's last post I think he and I see 100% eye to eye on this subject. I just have it from a slightly different direction. I am the second oldest of 8 children so me and my older brother got lots of parenting experience with our younger siblings while growing up. I don't have any of my own children yet but they are in the plan for the next couple years :) (my wife is almost done with college).

When I was young my parents couldn't afford tv so we went without. Now I think that is one of the best things that could have ever happened to me. I know Luke and I are going against the norm on this but your kids have to learn behavior somewhere, wouldn't it be best to have them learn it from you? If you look at the way tv kids are, they run the home! Parents are the dorks on the sidelines that don't understand anything about being a kid! That is not the way it should be. Get rid of the tv.

Enough about that, I think I made my point. Now I don't want to break any forum rules by bringing religion into this but Gaby if you are religious then base your teaching of your children off of it. I would not be where I am today (which I am very happy about:) ) without my faith.

With that said I am done ranting and now I have a couple other thoughts on child behavior. I don't know if I can add much to what has already been said, especially considering the amount of real parents that have already posted but I like to at least try to help. You need to have a plan of action for every bad thing that happens, Your child needs to know about it, and you have to be willing to follow through. I know this is the hardest part but you have to be willing to act on what you say. If you tell him a threat you have to be able (and once again, willing) to carry it out. You only have to give in once for him to know you aren't serious.

I think that is enough from me, I just wanted to say that even though I have only been around here a couple months it is great that I have found so many friends. I also think it is great that you trust us all enough Gaby to ask for help on your children. They can definitely be the most challenging (and rewarding) things you will ever do.

Good Luck!!!

Thank you very much everyone and thank you for opening :) .
Antonio is a very challenging kid, he has his good moments and he has his own terrible terrible ones.

I'm not a parent, and I make efforts not to become one yet everyday

LOL !!! Luke :D good job.
Thank you for sharing and i agree with the whole t.v. thing, nowdays seems like we would all suffer if the t.v. wasn't around.
There's so many things like the t.v., video games, computers that takes us away from what happening around us.
When Antonio is awake, i only let him watch 3 shows that i know are ok to watch, other than that, we go outside, we paint, read, play and do many things to keep him entertained which sometimes is tough... by the end of the day sometimes I am the one who's very tired :p.
thank you so much once again for sharing i'm always open to listen and try new things when it comes to Antonio.
Thank you Tim !!! :) .
Trust me, when they are babies they are the cutest little things ever !!, but once they get into the toddler age.. watch out !! :D .
When it comes to religion, my family always tried teaching me about our religion which is Catholic.
I think it's good to talk to kids about religion but also talk to them about facts ... i guess science .. so they can make up their minds and try helping them understand whatever they wanna know.
and yes i love this website and since i'm always here and talking or ... hijacking with Krish :p i thought, i'd ask all of you.
Just something to keep in mind for the future. If your kids or you personally, or anybody on the forum wishes to discuss the physics and science that caused me to realize that god is absolutely real, and absolutely created everything we know, I always enjoy it.

Dont let this status-quo wave of blind/foolish/ignorant teachers we have in schools these days try to make you belive that scientists have things figured out, and that god isnt part of the picture.

In fact, I have done a couple debates in the past at comunity colleges (one very comical one which resulted in 2 biology teachers yelling obscenitys at me when they were publicly totally anhiliated with calm and polite logic and physics alone while they were trying to support the accidental/random life occuring idea). I would be willing to speak in front of any group/class/school or whatever about (I dont mention any religion or scripture in anyway) the obvious reality that our universe, and life in it was created.

One of my very close friends (David) who happens to be a special consultant for NASA (they call him in when they have a difficult problem they cant solve), is about 60years old now. I think he has somewhere around 6 PhD's, and about 5 Masters degrees in differnt science and engineering fields (he helps me understand the varying density slurry flow turbulence that I use in intake manifold design). He also happens to be an absolute super genius by any defination, but is so increadibly humble, he is simply amazing. Anyways, he was summoned to participate in a debate in a (recorded for public broadcast) debate at Princeton about 5 years ago. The debate featured him against Princetons professor best suited for representing the idea that life was created by random accident, David represented the creationist side.

The debate was intended to be 2hrs... It was cut short after an hour and 15mins due to an overwhelming and extremely through victory. They rest of the time was used for audience Q&A. Afterwards, the other professor wouldnt permit the recording to be aired... There was a small bit of student protest about it not being aired, but it quickly died down as the people fell back into there acountability-free, god-free beliefs which permit them to live any lifestyle with no guilt. Its likely that somebody on this board knows a student or faculty member who attended this debate, and if so, it would be awsome if you have more info to share.

Sometime I would love to have a thread on this board debateing the same topic, but I dont even want to think about how ugly things would get. Perhaps reefcentral would be better suited ;).

Anyways, sorry about the hyjacking Gabby, but I owe you a few. :D
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